Home Tag Duodenal ulceration

Articles in Duodenal ulceration

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Can alcoholic cirrhosis be treated with stem cell transplantation?
Hello doctor! My father is 65 years old this year, has Child-Pugh B alcoholic cirrhosis (7 points). Besides, there are also gastrointestinal bleeding, esophageal varices grade III, varicose veins grade III. Peptic ulcer scars and type 2 diabetes. The doctor asked me with my father's condition, can cirrhosis of the liver be treated with stem cell transplantation?
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Can pyloric stenosis with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease be laparoscopic?
Hi doctor. My father has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes and is currently suffering from duodenal ulcer and pyloric stenosis. Doctor, can I have laparoscopic surgery to reduce the risk of anesthesia and wound infection? Please advise, thank you.
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What should people with duodenal ulcer, antral inflammation, HP-positive abstain from?
Dear doctor, what should people with duodenal ulcer, antral inflammation, HP positive abstain from? Thanks for the advice doctors.
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How to treat duodenal ulcer, diet and exercise like?
I have an anterior duodenal bulb with a 1cm ulcer. The gastric mucosa is heavily congested. Please advise me how to treat duodenal ulcer, diet and exercise like? Looking forward to your advice, thank you.
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Indications for endoscopic treatment of perforated duodenal ulcer
Thủng ổ loét hành tá tràng là biến chứng cấp tính của bệnh loét dạ dày tá tràng. Bệnh cần được điều trị kịp thời để hạn chế tối đa nguy hiểm. Người bệnh thủng ổ loét hành tá tràng sẽ được điều trị khâu lỗ thủng, phẫu thuật xử trí biến chứng thủng và điều trị loét.
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