What should people with duodenal ulcer, antral inflammation, HP-positive abstain from?

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Doctor, people with duodenal ulcer, antral inflammation, HP positive need to abstain from? Thanks for the advice doctors.
Anonymous customer question
Hello, with the question of what people with duodenal ulcer, antral inflammation, HP positive should abstain from:
You should use foods that do not secrete too much gastric juice, reduce The effect of acid on the gastric mucosa. Food processing should be chopped, crushed, milled, ... limiting stir-frying. Do not eat foods with high acidity (lemon, orange, vinegar, batch, ...), foods that damage the mucosa (wine, beer, chili, ...), foods that create gas (beans, pickles, etc.), stimulants causing increased secretion of gastric juice. If you need more advice, you can register for examination and consultation at the hospitals of Vinmec Health System. Thank you for asking questions and sharing concerns with Vinmec doctors.
Master, Doctor Vu Huy Binh - Digestive Endoscopy Doctor - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
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