Home Tag Cough a lot

Articles in Cough a lot

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Uses of Brometic
Brometic is used when there is a lot of thick phlegm in the airways. As a mucolytic, it helps relieve expectorant coughs by thinning the phlegm in the airways and facilitating mucus removal. Continue reading the article will help you better understand the use and use of the drug.
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Cough accompanied by sore throat, chest tightness, pain under the left flank is what disease?
Please ask the doctor if you have a lot of cough accompanied by sore throat, chest tightness, pain under the left ribs, what is the disease? Is your case a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease? How effective and definitive is the treatment of gastric reflux? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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How is gastroesophageal reflux causing a lot of cough treated?
I have a cough, difficulty breathing and often have a sore throat and sinusitis. I went to the doctor and the doctor said that I had gastroesophageal reflux disease, but I took the medicine for a short time, but it came back. But I cough a lot, it's very difficult to breathe at night. The doctor told me how to treat gastroesophageal reflux causing a lot of cough?
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Is a persistent cough a chronic bronchitis?
Viêm phế quản mãn tính là một trong 2 loại thể bệnh hay gặp của một bệnh phổi nghiêm trọng gọi là "Bệnh phổi tắc nghẽn mãn tính hay COPD". Thể bệnh khác của COPD được gọi là "khí phế thũng". COPD có thể làm cho khó thở. Cả hai loại COPD thường do hút thuốc.
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Indications for pleural lavage
Rửa màng phổi là một kỹ thuật nhằm mục đích loại bỏ mủ, máu và các chất cặn bã trong khoang màng phổi. Rửa màng phổi được chỉ định đối những trường hợp như viêm màng phổi, mủ màng phổi.
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Take a look at 8 signs to detect lung cancer early
In the 10 common types of cancer common in our country, lung cancer ranks first and is the leading cause of death. Therefore, in the article below, let's take a look at some signs with Vinmec. early detection of this disease so that it can be detected early and have the best treatment.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics