Home Tag Coronary intervention

Articles in Coronary intervention

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Coronary intervention in patients with myocardial infarction
Myocardial infarction is one of the life-threatening heart diseases, the patient should be treated as soon as possible. Coronary intervention techniques in patients with myocardial infarction can be considered the most effective method today.
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Can a heart attack recur?
Myocardial infarction is one of the diseases that causes many dangerous complications, if not treated and cared for properly, myocardial infarction can recur. Therefore, you need to be very careful to avoid unfortunate consequences later.
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Angioplasty: What you need to know
Coronary artery disease is a fairly common chronic disease today. In addition to lifestyle changes and medical adherence, coronary angioplasty and stenting are a radical intervention, helping to restore good blood circulation and significantly improve patients' symptoms.
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The role of antiplatelet drugs in preventing thrombosis caused by coronary stent re-occlusion
Thromboembolism causing coronary stent occlusion is one of the common risks after stenting. Taking antiplatelet drugs exactly as prescribed by your doctor will minimize this risk.
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Evaluation of patients with heart failure after coronary intervention
According to one study, the quality of life of heart failure after successful coronary intervention and 1 month hospital discharge was positively changed. There was a marked improvement in exercise capacity, stability and frequency of chest pain, as well as satisfaction with treatment.
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When is coronary stenting needed?
When advanced atherosclerotic plaque narrows the coronary artery > 70%, the coronary artery is not able to supply oxygen to the myocardium, especially during exercise, exercise or strenuous work. This causes myocardial ischemia with manifestations of angina, fatigue, shortness of breath...
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In which case, coronary intervention is indicated?
Coronary intervention is a procedure that helps to resolve coronary artery stenosis and blockage without the need for open thoracic surgery. Accordingly, depending on each case, doctors will prescribe different coronary intervention methods. However, percutaneous coronary intervention is a technique used to treat some common coronary diseases.
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Use of anticoagulation in patients after coronary intervention with atrial fibrillation
Coronary stenting is a procedure to help relieve angina pain and reduce the risk of myocardial infarction for patients. To avoid unpredictable complications, patients need to use anticoagulants after stenting. So how should coronary intervention patients with atrial fibrillation use anticoagulants to limit complications?
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Caring for patients before and after coronary intervention in acute myocardial infarction
Acute myocardial infarction requires prompt treatment, the main principle is to reestablish blood flow in the blocked coronary artery as soon as possible, because coronary flow will only be restored when it is removed. blood clot. However, the recovery rate of people with acute myocardial infarction depends on care before and after coronary intervention.
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Guidelines for monitoring patients after coronary intervention
Percutaneous coronary intervention is an effective treatment for coronary artery stenosis and myocardial infarction. It is necessary to monitor and care for patients after coronary intervention carefully to promptly intervene if complications occur.
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Development of coronary stents
Percutaneous coronary intervention is a technique that uses a percutaneous catheter to insert a small balloon into the lumen of a blocked coronary artery and place a stent to re-open the blood flow. Along with the improvement of technology, the development of new coronary stents has helped to solve the stenosis in the coronary arteries, helping to improve myocardial perfusion under all conditions of strenuous activity of the heart. patient.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics