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Articles in Bronchitis

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Uses of Amxolpect 30mg
Amxolpect 30mg medicine helps to clear mucus and is often prescribed by doctors to treat diseases related to the respiratory tract. On the market today, there is a lot of information about Amxolpect 30mg drug product, but it is still incomplete. To better understand what Amxolpect is, how it works, let's learn more in the article below.
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Uses of Amtesius
Amtesius is a medicine used to treat coughs with phlegm, respiratory infections such as acute and chronic bronchitis, tracheitis...
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Uses of the drug Zetavian
Zetavian is a drug belonging to the group of anti-allergic drugs commonly used in the treatment of cases of irritation or allergies such as allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, bronchitis, atopic dermatitis,... For more information about the drug Zetavian, you can refer to the article below.
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Uses of Dazzidime
Thuốc Dazzidime có thành phần chính là Cefetamet pivoxil hàm lượng 500mg. Đây là một loại kháng sinh thuộc nhóm Cephalosporin thế hệ thứ 3, thường được chỉ định trong các trường hợp bị nhiễm khuẩn. Bài viết sau đây sẽ giúp các bạn tìm hiểu những thông tin cơ bản về thuốc Dazzidime.
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