Uses of Dazzidime

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Dazzidime drug has the main ingredient is Cefetamet pivoxil 500mg. This is an antibiotic of the 3rd generation Cephalosporin group, usually indicated in cases of bacterial infections. The following article will help you learn the basic information about the drug Dazzidime.

1. What are the uses of Dazzidime?

The active ingredient Cefetamet pivoxil in Dazzidime is an antibiotic with the ability to kill bacteria through the process of inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial cell walls. The drug is sensitive to bacterial strains such as:
Streptococcus pneumoniae ; Haemophilus influenzae ; Moraxella catarrhalis;; Enterobacteriaceae; Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonorrhea bacteria). These are common agents in upper respiratory tract infections and gonorrhea. Therefore, the drug Dazzidime is often prescribed by doctors in the following cases:
Sinusitis; otitis media ; Bronchitis; Pharyngitis, tonsillitis; Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis; Pneumonia ; Urethritis due to gonorrhea.

2. Dosage and how to use Dazzidime

Active ingredient Cefetamet in Dazzidime can be used for both adults and children. Dosage in children is recommended as follows:
Children weighing less than 15kg: 125mg/time x 2 times/day. Children weighing from 16-30kg: 250mg/time x 2 times/day. Children weighing 30-40kg: 375mg/time x 2 times/day. Children weighing over 40kg: 500mg/time x 6 times/day. The average duration of treatment of the drug in children is 7 days, it should not be longer than 10 days.
The recommended dose of Dazzidime in adults is 500 mg/time x 2 times/day. For severe infections, the dose of the drug can be increased to 1g/time x 2 times/day.
For indications for treatment of gonorrhea: The patient only takes a single dose of Dazzidime with a concentration of 1 - 1.5 grams.

3. Contraindications and cautions when using Dazzidime

Do not use Dazzidime in patients with a history of hypersensitivity or allergy to Cephalosporin, Penicillin or other betalactam antibiotics.
Caution when using Dazzidime for the following subjects:
Patients on hemodialysis, impaired renal function: it is imperative to adjust the dose to reduce the dose in these subjects, usually the doctor will rely on creatinine clearance to determine the most appropriate dose. Complications of pseudomembranous colitis can be seen in patients taking long-term antibiotics, this is the result of an overgrowth of a bacteria in the large intestine called Clostridium difficile. Therefore, when a patient uses Dazzidime but encounters symptoms such as diarrhea, dull abdominal pain, white stools, etc., it is necessary to immediately notify the doctor for treatment, and at the same time, consider changing antibiotic regimens. At present, Dazzidime has not been studied in pregnant or lactating patients, so there should be careful consideration before deciding to use the drug in these subjects. Hope the above information has helped you better understand Dazzidime. Because Dazzidime is a prescription drug, patients should not use it on their own, but need to contact a doctor or professional person directly to get a suitable prescription, ensuring safety for health.

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