Home Tag Bladder cancer treatment

Articles in Bladder cancer treatment

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Uses of Santabin
Santabin drug is indicated in the treatment of breast cancer, pancreas, bladder ... However, during the treatment Santabin drug can cause some unwanted side effects. Therefore, before using Santabin, patients need to carefully study information and follow the doctor's instructions.
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Treatment prognosis in bladder cancer
Like other cancers, bladder cancer also goes through many stages, progressing from mild to severe. Determining which stage the disease is at is very important in the treatment and prognosis of bladder cancer.
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Signs of end stage bladder cancer
Late-stage bladder cancer often presents very complex symptoms. At this point, the cancer cells are no longer confined to the bladder, but have metastasized to the lymph nodes, affecting nearby organs such as the cervix, vagina, prostate, pelvic wall,... and metastasis to distant organs such as lungs, bones, liver.
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Are there early signs of bladder cancer?
Bladder cancer does not have obvious symptoms in the early stages, making it easy for patients to confuse it with other diseases. Therefore, most bladder cancer patients are diagnosed at a late stage. Early recognition of the disease at an early stage is extremely important. Please read the article below to have complete information to help patients recognize bladder cancer in the early stages.
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Can ultrasound detect bladder cancer?
Ung thư bàng quang là một bệnh lý ác tính, nguyên nhân có thể do hút thuốc lá, tiếp xúc với hóa chất, môi trường ô nhiễm,... Siêu âm có thể phát hiện ra khối u nhưng chưa thể chẩn đoán và đánh giá chính xác được giai đoạn ung thư bàng quang. Do đó, bệnh nhân cần làm thêm một số biện pháp cận lâm sàng như soi bàng quang, chụp CT, xét nghiệm nước tiểu,...
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