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Articles in AST

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Modern ultrasound and imaging methods to diagnose cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is caused by conditions such as chronic hepatitis, alcohol abuse, or fatty liver disease. It can be diagnosed by testing using X-rays such as computed tomography (CT), ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or through a liver biopsy. The results of these tests help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis and predict an effective treatment.
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What are the AST and ALT values ​​for liver disease?
I just had a blood test with AST:71 U/L (<=37). ALT :39.1 U/L (<=40). The doctor asked me how the AST and ALT levels are, I have liver disease? Thanks for the advice
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Increasing GGT: What you need to know
GGT (Gamma Glutamyl transferase) is an important liver function test along with other liver enzymes such as AST or ALT. When these indicators all increase, it means that the liver is damaged, most commonly hepatitis caused by beer and alcohol.
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The role of ALT and AST in the diagnosis of liver diseases
AST (SGOT) and ALT (SGPT) are liver enzyme indicators that help reflect liver damage. Depending on the type of disease, these indicators will increase to a certain extent. If the cause of elevated liver enzymes is not corrected in time, these indicators may drop unexpectedly because there are no surviving liver cells.
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What to do when liver enzymes are high?
Liver enzymes are an enzyme found in liver cells that help the liver remove toxins. There is always a certain amount of liver enzymes in the blood. High liver enzymes signal the weakening, dysfunction of the liver in the body.
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Update on clinical features of liver injury in patients with covid-19
Tích lũy dữ liệu lâm sàng cho thấy tổn thương gan liên quan đến mức độ nghiêm trọng của COVID-19 và cũng là nguyên nhân chính gây tử vong do COVID-19, đặc biệt khi có suy gan. Do đó, việc phát hiện sớm, điều trị hiệu quả và làm sáng tỏ các cơ chế sinh bệnh của tổn thương gan là cấp thiết đối với bệnh nhân COVID-19.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics