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Articles in Antihypertensive drugs

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What is Guanethidine drug: Use and dosage
Guanethidine is a drug commonly used mainly in the treatment of high blood pressure patients. It is available in the form of tablets, syringes, and eye drops. For more detailed information about the use and dosage of Guanethidine, please refer to the article below.
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Why do diuretics lower blood pressure?
Diuretics help remove sodium and water from the body. The result of this action is to cause the kidneys to excrete more sodium into the urine. The sodium then draws water from the blood which reduces the circulating volume, thereby lowering blood pressure. Diuretics are used effectively in the treatment of hypertension, and are often prescribed because of their effectiveness, low cost, and few side effects.
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Drug interactions in clinical pharmacy
A drug interaction is a change in the effect of a drug under the influence of one or more other drugs, herbs, foods, beverages, or other chemicals. This changes the effectiveness of the drug and can even create serious drug interactions.
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Role of alpha blockers in the treatment of high blood pressure
Alpha blockers are often used to treat patients with high blood pressure. Although it gives quick results, when used also contains potential risks from side effects.
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Medications to treat high blood pressure
High blood pressure is a common disease today. The disease was defined as systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg. Patients with hypertension must take medication to control blood pressure within the allowable range, avoiding possible dangerous complications.
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What does Dopegyt do?
Prescription drug Dopegyt belongs to the group of treatment of blood pressure, cardiovascular. The use of the drug is to reduce blood pressure in patients with moderate or mild hypertension, including hypertension in pregnancy.
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Uses of Amlor 5mg
Amlor 5mg medicine contains the active ingredient Amlodipine and belongs to the group of calcium channel blockers. Amlor 5mg is indicated for the treatment of hypertension and angina pectoris.
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Uses of Vashasan
Vashasan contains the main active ingredient, trimetazidin, which is able to maintain the energy metabolism of hypoxic or ischemic cells, and prevent the decrease of intracellular ATP. Therefore, it is indicated as adjunctive therapy in stable angina.
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Uses of Stamlo 5mg
Stamlo 5mg contains the active ingredient amlodipine, a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker. Many patients still wonder about the use of Stamlo 5mg. The article will provide readers with some general information about this drug.
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The effect of the drug Ednyt 5mg
Ednyt 5mg is a drug belonging to the group of ACE inhibitors, has vasodilator effects and is indicated for use in patients with hypertension. To use the drug effectively and safely, you need to know the effects, how to use and note when taking the drug.
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What diseases does Rotalzon 50mg treat?
The drug Rotalzon contains the main active ingredient, Losartan - an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, indicated in the treatment of hypertension. The dose of treatment varies from person to person depending on the condition and the progression of the disease.
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