Home Tag Acute cholecystitis

Articles in Acute cholecystitis

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Surgery for acute cholecystitis
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the surgical treatment of acute cholecystitis. Patients should undergo cholecystectomy as early as possible, preferably within 72 hours of symptom onset.
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Grades of acute cholecystitis and diagnostic measures
Classification of acute cholecystitis is divided into 3 levels: mild, moderate and severe depending on the actual clinical situation. Diagnosis of acute cholecystitis is based on clinical examination, laboratory work, ultrasound, computed tomography and scintigraphy.
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Where is gallbladder pain?
When the gallbladder is inflamed or has many stones, it will cause pain for the patient. On clinical examination based on the location of the gallbladder, the doctor determines the gallbladder pain point, thereby helping to diagnose and orient the cause of cholecystitis.
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What is gastritis?
Gastric cholecystitis is a serious complication of gallstones. If not treated promptly, the patient can face unpredictable health consequences.
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Biliary scintigraphy of acute and chronic cholecystitis
Cholescintigraphy được thực hiện bởi các bác sĩ y học hạt nhân thử nghiệm để chẩn đoán tắc nghẽn đường mật (ví dụ, bằng sỏi hay do khối u), bệnh túi mật, và rò rỉ mật. Nó có thể được gọi là một HIDA Scan hoặc một túi mật scan.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics