X-ray image of pulmonary tuberculosis

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Van Huong - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec International Hospital Da Nang. The doctor has many years of experience in the field of diagnostic imaging.
Tuberculosis is a potentially fatal infectious disease that directly affects the respiratory tract. Chest X-ray is an accurate method of diagnosis. Depending on the type of lesion, the chest radiograph will show different characteristics.

1. Overview of pulmonary tuberculosis

Pulmonary tuberculosis is a common infection caused by the tubercle bacillus. Tuberculosis is transmitted mainly through the respiratory tract through direct contact with people infected with TB bacteria.
Pulmonary TB is classified into several types as follows:
Primary pulmonary TB Post-infectious pulmonary TB includes millet TB and early infiltrative pulmonary TB Chronic pulmonary TB includes nodular and cavernous TB.

Lao phổi là một bệnh nhiễm trùng phổ biến do trực khuẩn lao gây ra
Lao phổi là một bệnh nhiễm trùng phổ biến do trực khuẩn lao gây ra

2. X-ray image of pulmonary tuberculosis

Chest X-ray is a basic and very good technique to support the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Depending on the type of TB lesion, the imaging results will show different characteristics.
2.1 Primary pulmonary TB Primary pulmonary TB has the following characteristics on the chest radiograph:
Primary complex image Dumbbell-shaped lesion (also known as a mace), primary infection "swollen" Sugar Inflammatory lymphatic vessels connecting hilar lymph nodes Some cases of pulmonary tuberculosis only hilar nodes are seen When the lymph nodes are compressed, atelectasis may be seen. 2.2 Pulmonary tuberculosis after primary infection Post-infection pulmonary TB includes miliary TB and early infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis. The characteristics of the chest radiograph are as follows:
Tuberculosis millet: Lesions are small fuzzy nodules, shaped like millet kernels, the fuzzy nodules are concentrated in the upper region (top of the lung). In some cases of millet tuberculosis, pleural effusion can be seen Early infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis: The lesion has a faint cloud-shaped appearance in the interstitium, the common location is in the apex of the lung, the faint nodules are round and less than 2cm in size. In the advanced stage, the faint nodules can be concentrated into caverns or scar formations. 2.3 Chronic pulmonary TB Chronic pulmonary TB includes nodular, cavernous and fibrous TB with the following characteristics on the chest radiograph:
Nodular TB: Tuberculosis lesions are faint nodules with a size of 3-15mm , often concentrated in clusters with a fibrous band. Cavernous fibrous TB: X-ray picture of pulmonary tuberculosis is cavernous, with thick or thin cavernous walls, irregular and jagged edges of the cavernous cavity, containing gas inside, which can cause partial or complete collapse of the lung. In some cases, it can cause superinfection with the horse music (rattle) fungus. Fibrous Tuberculosis: Fibrous pulmonary TB lesions show that the surrounding components are pulled toward the lesion and reduce lung volume. Lesions often appear at the apex and hypothalamic position on both sides.

Chụp X quang phổi là kỹ thuật hiện đại hỗ trợ chẩn đoán bệnh lao phổi
Chụp X quang phổi là kỹ thuật hiện đại hỗ trợ chẩn đoán bệnh lao phổi

3. Who should have a TB X-ray?

Cases with high risk of infection with TB bacteria should have a TB X-ray such as:
Family members, frequent caregivers, close contact with TB patients. Medical staff working and doing research at TB hospitals, TB departments, often in close contact with patients with pulmonary tuberculosis or living in an environment with high potential for TB bacteria. People with weakened immune systems due to diseases such as liver disease, HIV, etc. People living in or returning from TB-endemic areas or countries with underdeveloped health systems. In addition, cases of patients suspected of having pulmonary tuberculosis due to the appearance of symptoms of the disease should also visit another doctor for advice and diagnosis of the disease by means of chest X-ray or other methods. other. Typical symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis such as:
Dry cough, coughing up blood sputum, coughing attacks can last from a few weeks to several months. Cough is considered a typical symptom of tuberculosis. Pain in the chest area, sometimes difficulty breathing. Sweating a lot, especially when sleeping at night. Or have a low fever or chills in the afternoon. Weight loss, loss of appetite, physical weakness, weakness, frequent fatigue.

Ho được xem là triệu chứng điển hình của bệnh lao
Ho được xem là triệu chứng điển hình của bệnh lao

4. How to prevent tuberculosis?

Currently, the first measure to prevent pulmonary tuberculosis is the BCG TB vaccine, a vaccine that contains the TB bacteria but has been weakened. According to recommendations, BCG vaccine is given to children, the best time to vaccinate is infants under 1 month of age. In addition, adults who have not been vaccinated with the BCG vaccine and do not have TB disease but regularly live or come into contact with a person with TB disease and the environment that contains TB bacteria should also be vaccinated. In addition, pulmonary tuberculosis can also be prevented by limiting exposure to pathogens, protecting and promoting health with a healthy lifestyle, adequate nutrition and regular exercise. .
In summary, based on the results of chest X-ray images, will help support the diagnosis as well as the staging of TB. In the case when clinical and radiographs suspect that tuberculosis is advanced or recurrent, the patient should be examined immediately for intensive treatment. As for TB that has been treated with a full course of treatment or old TB, it may not be necessary to immediately examine it, but it is necessary to have an annual check-up.
Vinmec International General Hospital stands out with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience. For the case after the examination results are available, the doctor will contact the patient directly to advise and schedule an appointment to ensure fast accuracy and reduce the patient's waiting time. Therefore, customers can completely trust the quality of Vinmec medical services.

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