Women in love: Keeping your marriage and sex life strong

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Marriage life as well as a strong sex life not only requires deep love, but it also requires many other components such as: understanding, sympathy, sharing between the couple to be together. go through life's ups and downs.

1. What do women want?

What a woman needs, wants, and expects from her marriage or intimate relationship can change from one stage to the next. However, couples need to be researched and consulted by experts for recommendations in all life stages. So to have a solid life, they start with things like:
Make time for conversations to help you learn what your partner has been experiencing recently. Express your love, appreciation, and admiration for your partner often. Take care of your partner's interests, even in small moments. Avoid the "Four Horsemen" of marriage: Criticism, contempt, defense (followed by criticism and contempt), and stoning (meaning when a complete partner wants an end and refuses).

Hãy dành nhiều thời gian chia sẻ để hiểu hơn về đối tác của mình
Hãy dành nhiều thời gian chia sẻ để hiểu hơn về đối tác của mình

2. Life, sex

2.1. Life, Sex in Your 20s Some studies show that in their 20s, women and men need lasting friendships from their partners. This will help them manage conflicts when disagreements arise, and at the same time keep the marriage fire better.
According to research experts, at a time when both men and women are in their 20s, when they are forming careers or advancing in their career paths, and they will experience a lot of stress in the process. that program.
In addition to making arrangements for her life to be settled, a woman adds the stress of dividing household labor, dealing with the law, paying bills, and, possibly, getting pregnant and take care of children.
Women in love at this stage need a partner who can and is willing, or maybe even just reluctant, to share in the housework along with the financial and childcare burdens such as: paying bills, take your child to the doctor.... Moreover, it is equally important in family life to always be flexible. Friendship in love or friendship in conjugal love, along with the implicit values ​​of patience, understanding, compassion and cooperation, will be the key to both people getting through both the highs and lows of a relationship. relationship in the early years.
2.2. Life, sex in 40s Just like in their 20s, women want love and friendship in their 40s, but they may prefer to keep their family life their own way rather than their own. natural edge.
Many couples have settled into their careers and families by the time they enter their 40s. But for some couples, the 40s is a time when the love they cultivated is suddenly broken. change and that change can be replaced by third parties. So this is a very vulnerable time in a marriage. Furthermore, at this stage, women begin to go through menopause. That means making a woman more sexually active as well as adapting to physical and emotional changes.

Độ tuổi 40 là thời điểm phụ nữ dễ bị tổn thương trong hôn nhân
Độ tuổi 40 là thời điểm phụ nữ dễ bị tổn thương trong hôn nhân

But aside from the couple's stresses entering their 40s and women's menopause, it's also a peaceful time in a relationship. Some researchers say that: “If everything goes well right from the beginning of the relationship, then it can be said that 10-15 years of marriage will be maintained and kept burning. Until most people enter their 40s, if there is a foundation of friendship between the couple, then all adjustments in the relationship as well as resolving conflicts in life will be done quite well by them. at the age of 40.
To maintain and balance a happy life, experts recommend that couples should express their love, appreciation and admiration for their partner. Some studies show that, in happy couples, there is a 1:5 ratio of negative to positive interactions. Positive interactions in a couple's relationship include things like expressing appreciation for the partner. But in an unhappy relationship the ratio is around 1.9:1, which indicates some appreciation is expressed but not enough and does not make a difference in the couple's relationship.
2.3. Life, sex at age 60 In the 60s, both men and women still maintain sexual activity. However, for women, this activity only occurs at "a certain age". Research has shown that for many women, when the hot flashes of menopause have subsided, sex drive has also decreased. However, there are still many exceptions to this rule. For quite a few women, the most important type of intimacy at this stage may be conversation and companionship, plus holding hands, hugging, and closeness.

Phụ nữ mong muốn sự chia sẻ và những hành động gần gũi ở độ tuổi 60
Phụ nữ mong muốn sự chia sẻ và những hành động gần gũi ở độ tuổi 60

Partners can help them remember that a woman's loss of libido has nothing to do with the individual. It may just be the result of hormonal decline. Therefore, more cuddling time is very important to keep a harmonious sex life at this age.
So, for both men and women, the question is, what are their values? How they want to live in the "golden years" of life. The answer to this question is: with respect, appreciation, liking, and a positive outlook on your partner's moods and activities.
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Reference source: webmd.com

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