Why do people need sex?

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In married life, it is easy for us to come up with dozens of reasons to refuse or avoid love, especially women. But experts have counted up to 237 different reasons why people need sex, as well as many benefits of sex.

1. Sex is human nature

Trắc nghiệm: Sự thật về ham muốn tình dục của bạn

Ham muốn tình dục của một người được thúc đẩy bởi chức năng não, hormone và hành vi, có xu hướng dao động theo trạng thái tinh thần, sự thay đổi hormone. Trả lời nhanh một số câu hỏi trắc nghiệm sau sẽ giúp bạn có thể hiểu thêm về sự thật về ham muốn tình dục của bạn.

Bài dịch từ: webmd.com

In today's modern society, experts have found more reasons why people need sex than in the past. Similarly, we are doing it more often.
Sexual acts carry various psychological, social, cultural, or even religious connotations. After taking the survey, the three most common sexual motivations were voted as: To have a baby, to feel better, and for love. In addition, there are other reasons, like curiosity and negative reasons.
However, some sexologists say that, at the most basic level, there is only one real reason why people seek sex. That is nature.
In fact, asking why people need sex is as obvious as asking why we need to eat. The human brain is designed for that behavior. In other words, this is natural instinct, and we are programmed to do so.
Sexual instinct reflects the evolutionary process, to promote the survival and maintenance of the species. This is a common view shared by many cultures and most people support and agree.

Tình dục là bản năng của con người giúp tâm trạng cảm thấy tốt hơn
Tình dục là bản năng của con người giúp tâm trạng cảm thấy tốt hơn

2. The difference between the sexes

In general, men turn to sex because they like how it feels. While women are more likely to experience pleasure in physical contact, they are often more concerned with the ability of sex to build and strengthen relationships with their partners. Researchers have divided into two specific views as follows:
Sex is physically focused: You do it because you enjoy the physical sensations and the pleasure it brings. You don't care about your partner's feelings; Mentally focused sex: You do it to connect with your partner. You care more about your true feelings and relationship than physical touch. The psychology professor said that men often start to seek sex for physical pleasure. Conspicuously, most college-aged men start doing “adult affairs” for physical reasons without any emotional attachment. But this will change over time. When a man reaches the age of 40 - 60, the real relationship will gradually become more important than the physical feelings.
Whereas in women, they initiate sex to develop, strengthen and maintain an existing emotional relationship. But when you have a long and close relationship with your other half, you can really focus on the pleasure that sex brings to you.
Anyway, there are exceptions to this view. Many women these days may also agree to "fall in love" just to satisfy a physiological need, and there are still men who say they have sex for real affection.

Phụ nữ quan hệ tình dục để phát triển, củng cố và duy trì mối quan hệ tình cảm
Phụ nữ quan hệ tình dục để phát triển, củng cố và duy trì mối quan hệ tình cảm

3. Four groups of reasons why people need sex

Stress relief is one of the top reasons Americans have sex, especially men. After surveying more than 1,500 young people about their sexual attitudes and experiences, experts found four main groups of reasons:
Physical reasons: Pleasure, boost mood, reduce depression and stress, exercise, curiosity about “adult things”, discovering yourself and others, or to attract a partner Goal-based reasons: To have children, improve social status, gain more people know or seek revenge, earn money Emotional reasons: Cultivate affection, show love to the other half, love the other, need to be loved, promise or gratitude Reason for seeking love safety: To assert themselves, reduce sexual desire, prevent the other partner from having an affair with others, feel a sense of responsibility or obligation, pressured (e.g. partner insisting on sex) sex)

Giảm căng thẳng (stress) là một trong những lý do hàng đầu để quan hệ tình dục của người Mỹ
Giảm căng thẳng (stress) là một trong những lý do hàng đầu để quan hệ tình dục của người Mỹ

4. What is the effect of regular sex?

In general, young men and women today are often not in a relationship, they are still in the process of discovering their own sexuality. So the answer to why you do sex can change over time, and can include both positive and negative reasons. But in terms of science, experts have confirmed 14 benefits of sex as follows:
As a moderate form of exercise, helps increase heart rate, similar to brisk walking or Cycling slowly Good for heart health, women are less likely to get heart disease if they have sex a few times a week Sex helps relieve headaches, including migraines. Reduce stress, people who have sex regularly (not including masturbation) are less anxious when faced with stressful tasks, such as public speaking Married women who are sexually active are more likely to direction to live a little longer

Quan hệ tình dục đều đặn tốt cho sức khỏe tim mạch
Quan hệ tình dục đều đặn tốt cho sức khỏe tim mạch

Sex helps create new brain cells, so people over 50 who still love regularly will have better memory. Couples who only need to have sex at least once a week are enough to make both happier (not counting relationships with strangers) The hormone oxytocin is released during sex to create a feeling of intimacy and closeness with your partner, helping to build a strong and stable relationship. Have more sex, your body will be slimmer Good for mental health, couples who have more sex will be less likely to be depressed or have to take mental medication Young people who have sex twice a week have many antibodies More able to fight the common cold Orgasm increases endorphins and oxytocin in both men and women, sex relieves pain and relaxes, helps you sleep better and easier Regular sex also Helps improve sperm quality in men, increasing the chances of conception for couples who are expecting a baby Those with an active sex life It will have a better quality of life, not only now but also in the future, helping middle-aged to elderly people to be healthier and happier. The source of the problem often stems from a specific motivation, cause. Therefore, psychologists are still trying to understand more deeply the nature and influencing factors in the physical attachment relationship, in order to treat sexual dysfunction. Learning about the reasons and benefits of having sex will help in improving a couple's sex life.
Reference source: webmd.com;
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