Sex in cancer patients: What you need to know

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Sex is a natural human physiological need. Sex in cancer patients is a matter of great concern to many people, especially those who have been and are suffering from various types of cancer. So should cancer patients abstain from sex?

1. The effect of cancer on sexual function

Most people with cancer have problems with sex. The treatment of various types of cancer such as cervical cancer, prostate cancer, penile cancer, testicular cancer ... will directly affect sex life.
As for other cancers such as rectal cancer or having to use an ostomy, breast cancer, ... the patient will feel no longer interested in sex.
Most people with cancer experience a decrease in sex drive. The main reason is due to the side effects of the treatment leading to physical decline, or changes in appearance (removal of one breast due to breast cancer, ...) that make them lose confidence in their partner. .

Ung thư ảnh hưởng nhiều đến đời sống tình dục
Ung thư ảnh hưởng nhiều đến đời sống tình dục

2. Changes in sexual needs in cancer patients

Some patients, due to the influence of cancer treatments, change their sex organs, thereby changing their sex lives. They no longer enjoy sex like they used to.
With men, some will not be able and will not keep an erection after treatment for prostate cancer, penile cancer or testicular cancer. In addition, cancer treatments also reduce the pleasure of men, making them impotent in sex lives.
For women, during or after cancer treatment, they find sex more difficult, even painful, apathy with sex.
Patients with breast cancer due to the effects of chemotherapy and hormone therapies will experience vaginal dryness, decreased sex drive. As for men, when being treated for prostate cancer, due to the use of hormone-suppressing therapy, they will have a decrease in libido and difficulty in getting an erection.

3. Can cancer be related?

If during cancer treatment, the patient still has a sexual desire and health conditions allow it, sexual intercourse in cancer patients can still take place normally, without abstinence.
To be more careful, if during treatment, there is still a need for sex, the patient should share with the doctor to get reasonable advice for his or her medical condition, avoid shyness, guilt, and at the same time also make treatment more convenient.
People who have been cured of cancer have completely normal sex lives. However, there are still about 20-30% of men who feel no longer having sex as mentioned above.
Some people who have been cured of cancer are afraid that sex will cause cancer again. But the truth is that having sex does not cause cancer recurrence and cancer cannot be sexually transmitted, so patients with cancer can completely enjoy having sex with their partners.

4. What should cancer patients do to improve their sex life?

Cần tham khảo thật kỹ ý kiến của bác sĩ trước khi sử dụng các loại thuốc hỗ trợ tăng cường sinh lý
Cần tham khảo thật kỹ ý kiến của bác sĩ trước khi sử dụng các loại thuốc hỗ trợ tăng cường sinh lý
For women with vaginal dryness, the solution is to use lubricants. For men, when undergoing cancer treatment, if they have erectile dysfunction or low libido, they can take drugs to improve physiological function. However, for patients undergoing cancer treatment, if using additional drugs to support physiological enhancement, it is necessary to consult carefully with a doctor before using.
Besides, the patient should also open up, should not be afraid of this sensitive issue. Be bold enough to share your thoughts with your partner to find solutions as well as receive sympathy from your partner. At such times, the spouse plays a very important role. Because in addition to sharing, a sincere love will be an invaluable medicine for cancer patients to regain their sexual feelings.
Currently with the development of medicine, all types of cancer can be completely cured if detected early. It can be said that screening and early detection of cancer is the key to reversing all the unfortunate consequences of cancer.
Vinmec International General Hospital is the leading prestigious address in Vietnam chosen by customers for cancer treatment, in which the cancer screening packages at Vinmec with outstanding quality in terms of medical level Using the most advanced methods of examination and diagnosis in the world, modern facilities will detect the earliest signs of cancer and the progression of the disease to soon have the right treatment. .
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