Why should you forgive yourself and how?

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Everyone makes mistakes, but learning to learn from these mistakes, let go, move on, and forgive yourself is as important to mental health as it is to happiness.

1. What is self-forgiveness?

Forgiveness is generally defined as a deliberate decision to remove feelings of anger, resentment and retribution towards someone you believe has wronged you. However, while you may be quite generous in your ability to forgive others, you can be much more difficult on yourself.
The road to forgiveness is not an easy one, especially when the person you are trying to forgive is yourself. Regardless of the reason, focusing on self-awareness can help you repair past hurts. As you heal, understanding that life is a journey and not a sprint will help you secure a better future.

2. How to Forgive Yourself

2.1. Practice self-forgiveness
See for yourself why you need to forgive yourself If we realize we are indeed to blame, we may feel guilty and need to forgive ourselves. When you think about memories, they can create these unpleasant feelings. To determine why you might be feeling this way, ask yourself: Am I feeling this way because of what I did as a result, making me feel bad? Am I feeling this way because I am responsible for a bad ending?
Accept that failures don't make you a bad person Everyone can fail at one point or another in their lives. Don't think that failing at something whether it's a job or a relationship makes you a bad person. As Bill Gates said, "It's good to celebrate success, but it's more important to heed the lessons of failure." Learning from one's mistakes is a step towards forgiving yourself.
Don't be afraid to start over To truly forgive yourself, don't be afraid to start over. Learning to forgive yourself isn't just about learning to live with the past. It is learning from that experience. Take what you've learned and apply it to build a better friend.
Adjust new thinking by learning from past mistakes One way to move forward with yourself is to adapt what you have learned. Setting yourself goals for the future promotes a better and stronger mindset. This look to the future can help you forgive yourself in the present by focusing on the positive changes you can make.
Whenever you feel guilty, follow Les Brown's words: "Forgive your mistakes and move on". This will help you whenever you make a mistake.

Tha thứ cho chính mình bằng cách hỏi những sai lầm trong quá khứ
Tha thứ cho chính mình bằng cách hỏi những sai lầm trong quá khứ

2.2. Let go of the past Realize that no one is perfect You may want to forgive yourself for your actions against others. First, you have to realize that you shouldn't be to blame for the actions of others. We all make mistakes and we all have times in our lives when we don't do our best. Realize this may be the step you need to become self-healing.
Don't dwell on past mistakes It's good to learn from past mistakes, but clinging to them can make you unforgivable. It can prevent you from being aware of your present reality. Your life can become stagnant when you find yourself obsessing over what you did or didn't do. Instead, focus on the present and what you can do in the future to create a better life for yourself.
Plan for a bright future today by not being stifled by the past. Consider a "fix it and move on" approach to life. If you've had a similar encounter that left you emotionally disturbed in the past, focus on what you can control.
Learn to be mindful Self-awareness of current actions can help with future healing. If you cultivate a strong sense of self and accept the actions you choose to take now, it will help you build a better future and help you forgive past actions or reactions. .
Think about your past choices You don't want to go through your mistakes, but you must learn from them in order to move forward stronger.
One way to forgive yourself is to identify the trigger or cause of the emotion in the first place. If you identify what you did in the first place, then you can change your outlook for the future.
Ask yourself: "What did I do the first time and what can I do to avoid the same ending?".
Identify situations in which you feel strongly emotional. This will help you directly identify situations where you feel uncomfortable. Once you've identified the situation, it's easier to find a solution. Ask yourself, do you feel nervous approaching your boss? Do I feel strong negative emotions when I talk to my partner or does spending time with my parents make me feel angry or upset?
2.3. Spread the word about forgiveness for yourself and others Let people into your life Forgiveness is a two-way street. You may not be able to forgive yourself unless you learn to forgive others. You may need to let other people into your life to help you get the support and structure to forgive yourself.
Talk to loved ones to support yourself while you grapple with self-forgiveness.
Map out a solution or plan To forgive yourself, you must be aware of what you need to forgive. Writing down detailed step-by-step instructions can help you focus on what's important and give you structure for apologizing to yourself or others.
Make a statement or request an apology in direct language. Don't turn the problem around. Directly say "I'm sorry" or ask, "Will you forgive me?". You don't want to be vague or insincere.
Think about how you can actually fix a solution. If you're begging forgiveness from others, find specific actions that can help make amends. If you're forgiving yourself, ask yourself what steps you need to take to move forward with a healthier outlook on life.
Promise yourself and others that you will strive to be better in the future. An apology is empty if you don't follow through with it. Make sure you don't repeat the same mistakes.

Tuyên truyền việc tha thứ cho bản thân bằng việc vạch ra kế hoạch
Tuyên truyền việc tha thứ cho bản thân bằng việc vạch ra kế hoạch

2.4. Take responsibility for your actions
Be honest with yourself about your actions Before you can fully forgive yourself, you need to first acknowledge your actions.
It can be helpful to write down actions for which you have strong feelings. This will help identify specific examples of why you have negative feelings about yourself.
Stop rationalizing and start taking responsibility for what you say and do One way to be true to yourself is to accept the consequences of your actions. If you have done or said something wrong, you need to take control of your actions before you can forgive yourself.
One way to achieve this is to let go of stress. The more stress you hold within yourself, the more damage you do to yourself.
Stress can sometimes cause you to release anger and harm yourself and those around you, but if you forgive yourself the anger will go away and the bad things will go away. As a result, you are more focused and have a better understanding of the positive instead of the negative.
Accept the guilt you are feeling Accepting responsibility is one thing, but understanding the emotions behind it is another. Feeling strong emotions like guilt is not only common but good. Guilt will encourage you to act for yourself and others.
You may feel guilty about your own thoughts. You may have thoughts of wishing others pain or unhappiness. You may feel things like lust or greed.
If you are overwhelmed by these feelings of guilt, know that they are common. Your guilt may be rooted in these strong emotions, it's best to face them and admit why you feel the way you do. Only by doing this can you move towards forgiving yourself.
You may be judging yourself (or others) too harshly because of guilt. You may be belittling yourself and others, making you feel guilty for your actions. You may blame others for your insecurities and increase guilt.
If you find yourself blaming someone else, take a step back and admit why you're saying these things. It can help you on the path to self-forgiveness.
You may be feeling guilty for the actions of others. It's not uncommon for a couple to feel guilty about their significant other's actions. You may feel guilty about your spouse's actions or insecurities.
You should identify why you feel this way in order to realize whether you should forgive yourself or others.
Identify your own values ​​and beliefs Before you can forgive yourself, you must determine what you value and what you believe in. Take a moment to think about how you can atone for what you feel guilty about. Think about how you can make a real difference. These actions can be based on spiritual beliefs or on the needs of society.

Học cách tha thứ cho bản thân bằng cách xác định giá trị bản thân
Học cách tha thứ cho bản thân bằng cách xác định giá trị bản thân

Analyze your needs versus your wants One way to forgive your feelings of inadequacy is to identify what you need in life versus what you want.
Identify both specific needs such as shelter, food and social needs comparing them to specific needs such as nicer car, bigger house, better body. Identifying these needs and wants can help you realize that perhaps you've been too hard on yourself or perhaps things are out of your control.
2.5. Believing in yourself can be a good thing Become a better person through personal challenges To prevent yourself from falling into doubt and guilt, design small challenges that help you become a better person. better.
You can do this by establishing a routine for a month about some of the things you want to improve. By doing something for a month like tracking calories, you'll begin to form a useful habit to improve on. This will help you realize forgiveness yourself by taking action in a positive way.
Work on identified bugs Try and self-assess performance to identify measurable means of self-improvement.
For example, if you feel guilty about procrastinating, make a to-do list and try to stick to it. It is important to identify the things that you can control. This will benefit self-forgiveness through self-improvement.
Practice self-awareness Self-awareness is the ability to predict the consequences of our actions. Thinking about ourselves and our actions can help us become better people by creating a self-imposed ethic. You can practice self-awareness by noting your strengths, observing your reactions to situations, and expressing your emotions.
In short, whatever the reason, focusing on self-awareness can help you repair past hurts. As you heal, understanding that life is a journey and not a sprint will help you secure a better future.

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References: healthline.com, verywellmind.com, hackspirit.com

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