How long can wine be stored?

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There are many people who share the same question as to whether an unused or old bottle of wine can be used again. Although some wines become richer and more valuable with age, this does not apply to all wines, especially those that are half-used. Usually, food and drink have an expiration date, and this also applies to wine.

1. How long does unopened wine last?

Although unopened wines last longer than opened bottles, that doesn't mean they can't go bad. Unopened wine can be used after the expiry date printed on the package as long as the flavor quality of the wine is still up to standard. Therefore, the actual shelf life of unopened wine bottles depends largely on the type of wine and the process of preserving those bottles.
Here are some popular wines and their shelf life after the use-by date printed on the package:
White wine : 1 to 2 years Red wine : 2 to 3 years Cooking wine: 3 up to 5 years Wine: from 10 to 20 years if stored in the cellar

2. How long does an opened wine last and what causes it to spoil?

Rượu vang có ga hạn sử dụng từ 1 đến 2 ngày
Rượu vang có ga hạn sử dụng từ 1 đến 2 ngày

The shelf life of a bottle of wine after it has been opened varies depending on the type of wine. Typically, lighter wines will have a shorter shelf life than darker, heavier wines. After wine is opened, exposure to oxygen, bacteria, light, yeast or heat can all create chemical reactions that change the quality of the wine. Storing wine at low temperatures will help slow down the rate of chemical reactions and preserve wine's longevity. Here are some wines and their shelf life once opened.
Carbonated wine: 1 to 2 days Light wine and rosé: 4 to 5 days Red wine: 3 to 6 days Sweet wine: 3 to 7 days Porto wine: 1 to 3 weeks Best way To preserve opened wine bottles is to keep the wine closed, clean the bottles and put them in the refrigerator.

3. Signs of a broken wine bottle

Màu sắc của rượu có thể phân biết rượu vang hỏng
Màu sắc của rượu có thể phân biết rượu vang hỏng

Besides the expiration date printed on the packaging, there are several ways to tell when wine has gone bad. The first and easiest way to identify it is based on the color of the wine. For wines with a dark color like purple or red, when damaged, they will turn brown. Likewise, white wine at the end of its shelf life will turn an opaque yellow. The color change of wine occurs when the wine is exposed to too much air and oxidized. Accidentally fermenting wine can also cause the wine to have small bubbles and no longer retain their quality.
In addition to color, the scent of wine is also a means that can help identify wine past its expiration date. An open bottle of wine that has been left for too long can have a sour smell like vinegar or sauerkraut. On the other hand, unopened wine bottles that have been stored for too long have a very strong garlic smell and are similar to the smell of burnt rubber.
If you're willing to take the risk, tasting the wine before you drink it is an effective way to see if it's still drinkable. Broken wine will taste like sour apples and smell burnt. In addition, looking at the stopper of a wine bottle can also help you identify if the wine is past its expiration date. The fact that the wine is leaking and seeping into the chat button or the cork is tilted to the side can be a sign that the wine has been damaged by heat. Wine spoiled by heat will have a lighter flavor than normal wine.

4. How does using expired alcohol affect your health?

Vi khuẩn E. Coli của rượu vang hỏng có thể gây ngộ độc thực phẩm
Vi khuẩn E. Coli của rượu vang hỏng có thể gây ngộ độc thực phẩm

Although tasting small amounts of spoiled wine has no adverse health effects, it does not mean that it should be consumed. Wine is damaged not only by oxidation but also by the growth of yeast and bacteria in the wine.
Consumption of spoiled wine can only reduce the quality of the experience because the wine has a very low risk of microbial growth. Foodborne pathogens such as E. Coli and B. Cereus bacteria that cause food poisoning are not usually present in alcohol. Some studies show that the survival rate of disease-carrying bacteria in alcoholic beverages ranges from a few days to several weeks. This means that it is not impossible to be poisoned by expired alcohol.
Some symptoms of food poisoning include nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fever. Therefore, when the wine shows signs of being past its expiry date, even if it is an unopened bottle of wine, it should not be used again.

5. Note when using alcohol

Similar to other food and beverage products, the best way to enjoy alcohol is to use it the day after it was purchased. However, users can still drink unopened bottles of wine after the expiry date printed on the packaging is from 1 to 5 years and from 1 to 5 days for open bottles of wine, depending on the type of wine. The taste of wine can also be greatly enhanced if stored properly.
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