Why is there no embryo?

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No embryo, also known as an empty egg, is a condition in which a fertilized egg moves into the uterus but does not develop into an embryo. This phenomenon is usually caused by chromosomal abnormalities of the wife, husband, or both.

1. What is the phenomenon of no embryo (empty egg)?

No embryo, also known as an empty egg, is a phenomenon where the fertilized egg has moved into the uterus but has not developed into an embryo. Although there is no embryo, but because the placenta continues to develop for a short time, the amount of hCG hormone continues to increase. A woman still has the usual signs of pregnancy such as missed period, nausea, dizziness, breast tenderness... When taking a blood test or using a pregnancy test strip, it still shows that she is pregnant even though the embryo does not exist. in.
Around the 8th to 13th week of pregnancy, the empty egg will move into the miscarriage stage. Some symptoms may appear such as lower abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, no feeling of tightness in the chest,...
However, the above symptoms cannot determine the absence of an embryo. To accurately conclude the doctor will conduct an ultrasound, an empty egg is when the ultrasound shows an empty uterus or an empty gestational sac.

Siêu âm là biện pháp chẩn đoán chính xác nhất tình trạng trứng rỗng
Siêu âm là biện pháp chẩn đoán chính xác nhất tình trạng trứng rỗng

2. What is the cause of no embryo?

It is difficult to determine exactly what is the cause of the absence of an embryo in a particular case. According to studies, the phenomenon of empty eggs or no embryos can be caused by chromosomal abnormalities of the wife, husband, both spouses or abnormalities in the process of cell division of the zygote to form a zygote. Embryo. Besides, the quality of eggs and sperm can also affect the development of the embryo.
Empty eggs can be seen as a natural rejection for defective embryos. Because if these embryos develop, it is possible to give birth to babies with birth defects.
According to the documented literature, 90% of spontaneous abortions are related to chromosomal abnormalities. Therefore, if empty eggs occur more than once, consult your doctor to perform a chromosomal analysis. Although miscarriage is a difficult thing for women, you should not grieve or blame yourself because empty eggs are a problem that cannot be prevented or prevented.

Không thể phòng ngừa hoặc ngăn chặn tình trạng không có phôi thai
Không thể phòng ngừa hoặc ngăn chặn tình trạng không có phôi thai

3. Treatment of no embryo (empty eggs)?

When the fertilized egg does not develop into an embryo, the egg will gradually die and be expelled from the body. If this happens early, the symptoms are usually so mild, many women don't even know they're having a miscarriage.
If the miscarriage does not happen soon, during the antenatal check-up, the ultrasound doctor finds that the gestational sac is empty due to the phenomenon of an empty egg. At this point, there will be 3 treatment options:
Wait for the natural miscarriage process: Wait until the body expels the tissue itself. This is a natural, safe method, but not suitable if the pregnancy has stopped for more than 10 days. On the other hand, many women find it very stressful to wait until this moment. The doctor will prescribe drugs that stimulate uterine contractions (usually Misoprostol) to promote miscarriage, push empty eggs out of the body. The doctor performs dilation and curettage to remove all the placenta from the uterus. This method is not usually recommended during the first weeks of pregnancy, as the body is capable of eliminating itself without intervention. However, dilation and curettage may be used in cases where a woman wants to have tests done to determine the cause of the miscarriage.

Nong nạo cổ tử cung để loại bỏ được hết nhau thai
Nong nạo cổ tử cung để loại bỏ được hết nhau thai

Empty eggs usually occur once and do not affect subsequent pregnancies. However, it's a good idea to wait at least three menstrual cycles before trying to get pregnant again. During this time, it is necessary to eat, nourish the body, keep a comfortable mood, increase sports activities to improve health. Take folic acid supplements to avoid birth defects in the unborn baby.
If there is no embryo (empty egg) occurs many times, the couple should visit specialized medical facilities. Your doctor may recommend tests such as: genetic screening test, semen analysis, FSH hormone level test, AMH hormone ... to determine the cause.
Vinmec International General Hospital is a high-quality medical care address with a team of qualified doctors and modern and advanced machine room equipment. Therefore, during pregnancy, if you have any health problems during pregnancy, you can go to the Obstetrics specialist to be examined by a doctor and have appropriate indications.
Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as customers wishing to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online HERE.

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