10 weeks pregnant women have severe lower abdominal pain with headache, is it okay?

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Hello doctor,
I am more than 10 weeks pregnant and this is my first pregnancy, but day by day the abdominal pain keeps getting worse with a headache. Headache accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, often painful to tears. I have morning sickness of meat and fat, smell like vomiting. So the doctor asked me if a woman who is 10 weeks pregnant has severe lower abdominal pain with a headache, is it okay?
Anonymous customer
To the question “Is it okay for a 10 week pregnant woman with severe lower abdominal pain with headache? , please answer as follows:
In the first weeks of pregnancy, more than 80% of pregnant women fall into a state of burning pain in the lower abdomen. The severity of abdominal pain during this period is the same as when you have period pain. This is because the uterus contracts. It could be due to sudden pain in the muscles. This can make you feel uncomfortable. Abdominal pain is a common symptom during this period.
Especially when there is a risk of having lower abdominal pain with the following symptoms:
Severe abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding. Abdominal pain is intermittent and increasing day by day, with no tendency to decrease. Diarrhea and nausea, mucus like coffee grounds. Fatigue, dizziness and fainting. A pregnant woman's body has many changes, especially a change in hormone levels, leading to many symptoms including headaches. Headache during pregnancy in the early stages of pregnancy is a manifestation of body changes in a woman. Caused by bad habits such as being lazy to drink water, not eating at the right time, causing low blood sugar, causing headaches during pregnancy. Regularly staying up late, using stimulant drinks also causes nervous tension, lack of sleep leads to headaches.
Therefore, with your case of severe lower abdominal pain with severe headache, you should not be subjective and should go to a medical facility for an early examination.
If you still have questions about 10 weeks pregnant women experiencing severe lower abdominal pain with severe headache, you can go to a medical facility or hospital under Vinmec Health System for a primary examination and consultation. corpse. Thank you for trusting and asking questions. Wish you health.
Best regards!

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