Why does drinking alcohol cause headaches?

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Many people who drink too much alcohol in the evening often have a headache the next morning when they wake up. In particular, patients with frequent migraines only need to consume a small amount of alcohol to make the headache attack intensely.

1. The state of drinking alcohol headache

Migraine is a real symptom that many people experience but without a clear developmental cause. Now some experts predict that a malfunction in brain function is the reason. This condition affects chemicals in the brain, as well as the nerve signals sent.
Many triggers can trigger migraines, from stress at work to changes in the weather and certain foods (eg heavy cheese). Of these, about one-third of migraine sufferers consider alcohol to be one of the triggers.
Alcohol has long been linked to the development of headaches in general. Much evidence shows that since ancient times, people have described headaches after drinking alcohol in particular, or alcoholic beverages in general. Alcohol can cause two different types of migraine:
You can get a headache within 30 minutes to 3 hours of drinking - even if you haven't consumed too much. Some people have just one or two glasses of wine before they begin to experience throbbing headaches; The second form is that you stay healthy and sober until your blood alcohol level returns to normal. This means that drinking headaches will not appear immediately, but only begin the next morning when you wake up. This is called an alcohol-induced headache (DAIH) and can happen to anyone, but people with migraines are more likely to experience them.

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Uống rượu bị nhức đầu

2. Causes of headaches when drinking alcohol

Alcohol not only contains histamine, but it also prompts your immune system to make more of this chemical. This increases the inflammatory response throughout the drinker's body. Also, the main ingredient of alcohol is ethanol. Once in the body, this chemical is converted into a migraine trigger. Ethanol is also a natural diuretic that causes drinkers to urinate more often than usual. All of these can cause them to get migraines. Various factors can contribute to a headache from drinking alcohol namely:
Alcohol causes the body to produce more urine, and urinating more than usual can lead to dehydration. This is what causes drunk people to feel thirsty, dizzy and light-headed; Alcohol triggers an inflammatory response from the immune system and causes physical symptoms, such as inability to concentrate, memory problems, decreased appetite, and loss of interest in usual activities; Alcohol stimulates the stomach lining and increases the production of stomach acid as well as delays gastric emptying. All of these factors can cause stomach upset, nausea, or vomiting;

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Rượu kích thích niêm mạc dạ dày gây đau bụng

Alcohol can cause blood sugar to drop. If your blood sugar drops too low, you may feel tired, weak, shaky, moody, and even convulsive; Alcohol causes your blood vessels to widen, which can lead to headaches; Alcohol can make you sleepy, but you can't sleep deeply and often wake up in the middle of the night. This leaves you wobbly, headache, and tired after waking up.

3. How do headaches when drinking alcohol?

Drinking a small amount of alcohol a day can be good for health, helping to reduce the incidence of heart disease, as well as ischemic stroke (which occurs when a blood vessel is blocked so blood cannot reach the brain) . Moderate amounts of alcohol for healthy adults are up to 1 drink per day in women of all ages and men over age 65, and up to 2 drinks per day in men 65 years and younger. However, if you are prone to migraines, you must consider the amount of alcohol you should consume. A 150ml glass of wine or 350ml beer may be recommended as long as it doesn't cause a headache. If you still feel a headache from drinking, you need to take less than the above dose or stay away from all alcohol.
If you're not sure which alcoholic drink is causing your headache, try keeping a journal. Each time you drink alcohol, write down the type of alcohol or beer you drink, the amount, and the symptoms you feel (if any). Include both your health status 48 hours before drinking alcohol, as well as any issues that cause you stress or anxiety at that time. Over time, you'll be able to find the real cause of your drinking headaches and limit them.

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Liều lượng rượu vừa phải sẽ giúp hạn chế đau đầu

In addition, you can also try:
Choose carefully: Depending on each person's body, some other alcoholic beverages (beer, cocktail, sparkling wine,...) may cause you less pain. first than the rest; Sip water with alcohol: Drinking a full glass of water after each drink will help stay hydrated and also make you drink less alcohol; Drink alcohol with meals: Alcohol will be absorbed faster if your stomach is empty. Therefore, eating before and during drinking can increase the risk of migraine; Do not drink alcohol during stress: Drinking alcohol when stressed will make migraines worse; Know your limits and drink in moderation: Decide in advance how much you will drink and stick to it to feel comfortable when using alcohol, and avoid too much pressure and anxiety. Stop drinking completely when you have reached your limit; Take an over-the-counter pain reliever: Aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, ...) can prevent headache symptoms. However, ask your doctor about safety and your own recommended dosage. These drugs themselves, or when interacting with other drugs you are taking, can cause liver damage if too much alcohol is consumed; Take a headache medication triptans: Triptans can't stop migraines, but they can help stop drinking headaches after they start. However, this drug can pose serious health risks for many people. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before use.

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Đến gặp bác sĩ khi thấy cơ thể có biểu hiện bất thường

Although many medications work to prevent headaches from drinking , the only way to be sure is to avoid alcohol . If you must drink, consume in limited doses and in moderation. The less alcohol you drink, the less likely you are to get headaches and get drunk. If you have migraines, ask your doctor for advice on how alcohol can affect your health to find the right solution.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
Articles refer to sources: webmd.com, health.harvard.edu, mayoclinic.org
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