Why Does Drinking Alcohol Cause Headaches?

Many people who drink too much alcohol in the evening often experience headaches the next morning upon waking up. Particularly, patients who frequently suffer from migraines may only need to consume a small amount of alcohol for severe headaches to occur.

1. Alcohol-Induced Headache

Migraine is a real condition that many people experience, though its exact causes are unclear. Currently, some experts hypothesize that dysfunction in brain activity is the reason. This condition affects brain chemicals as well as the neural signals being transmitted.

Various triggers can induce migraines, ranging from workplace stress to weather changes and certain foods (such as aged cheese). Among these, about one-third of migraine sufferers identify alcohol as one of the triggers.

Alcohol has long been associated with the onset of headaches in general. Evidence suggests that descriptions of alcohol-induced headaches date back to ancient times. Alcohol can cause two distinct types of migraines:

  • You may experience a headache within 30 minutes to 3 hours of drinking alcohol, even without consuming large amounts. Some people begin feeling sharp head pains after just one or two sips of alcohol.
  • The second type occurs when you feel fine until your blood alcohol levels return to normal. In this case, the alcohol-induced headache does not occur immediately but begins the next morning when you wake up. This is known as a delayed alcohol-induced headache (DAIH), which can affect anyone but is more likely to occur in people who suffer from migraines.
Headaches after drinking alcohol
Headaches after drinking alcohol

2. Causes of Alcohol-Induced Headaches

Alcohol not only contains histamine but also stimulates your immune system to produce more of this chemical, increasing inflammatory responses throughout the drinker body. Additionally, alcohol's main component is ethanol. Once inside the body, this chemical is metabolized into compounds that trigger migraines. Ethanol also acts as a natural diuretic, causing frequent urination in drinkers, which may contribute to migraines. Various factors contributing to alcohol-induced headaches include:

  • Alcohol causes increased urine production, and frequent urination may lead to dehydration. This is why people who consume alcohol often feel thirsty, dizzy, and lightheaded.
  • Alcohol triggers inflammatory responses from the immune system, resulting in symptoms like difficulty concentrating, memory problems, reduced appetite, and loss of interest in usual activities.
  • Alcohol irritates the stomach lining, increases stomach acid production, and delays gastric emptying. These factors can lead to stomach pain, nausea, or vomiting.
Alcohol irritates the stomach lining
Alcohol irritates the stomach lining
  • Alcohol may lower blood sugar levels, which can result in fatigue, weakness, shakiness, mood disturbances, and even seizures in severe cases.
  • Alcohol causes blood vessels to dilate, potentially leading to headaches.
  • While alcohol can make you feel drowsy, it prevents deep sleep and often causes you to wake up in the middle of the night. This can leave you feeling groggy, headache-prone, and fatigued upon waking.

3. Managing Alcohol-Induced Headaches

Drinking small amounts of alcohol daily can be beneficial to health, reducing the risk of heart disease and ischemic stroke (caused by blocked blood vessels preventing blood flow to the brain). Moderate alcohol consumption for healthy adults is defined as up to one drink per day for women of all ages and men aged 65 and older, and up to two drinks per day for men under 65. However, if you are prone to migraines, you should carefully consider your alcohol intake. A 150 ml glass of wine or 350 ml of beer may be recommended as long as it does not cause headaches. If headaches persist after drinking alcohol, you should reduce your alcohol consumption below these limits or avoid alcoholic beverages altogether.

To identify which types of alcohol may cause your headaches, consider keeping a diary. Each time you drink, note the type of alcohol or beer, the quantity, and any symptoms you experience (if any). Also record your health status in the 48 hours prior to drinking as well as any stress or anxiety factors at the time. Over time, this diary can help you identify the true cause of your alcohol-induced headaches and avoid them.

A suitable dose of alcohol may reduce headaches after
A suitable dose of alcohol may reduce headaches after

Additional Tips:

  • Choose carefully: Depending on your body’s response, certain alcoholic beverages (e.g., beer, cocktails, sparkling wine) may cause fewer headaches than others.
  • Hydrate: Drink a full glass of water after each alcoholic drink to stay hydrated and reduce alcohol intake.
  • Eat while drinking: Alcohol is absorbed more quickly on an empty stomach, so eating before and during drinking can reduce the risk of migraines.
  • Avoid alcohol when stressed: Drinking while under stress can exacerbate migraines.
  • Know your limits: Decide in advance how much alcohol you will drink and stick to it. This makes you feel comfortable after alcohol intake, reduces stress and avoids overconsumption. Stop drinking entirely once you reach your limit.
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers: Medications like aspirin or ibuprofen (e.g., Advil, Motrin IB) can alleviate headache symptoms. However, consult your doctor to ensure safety and the recommended dosage, as these medications can harm the liver if combined with excessive alcohol.
  • Triptans for migraines: While triptans cannot prevent migraines, they can help alleviate symptoms once an alcohol-induced headache begins. However, these medications may pose serious health risks for some people, so consult your doctor before use.
Seek for medical attentions when you have abnormal symptoms
Seek for medical attentions when you have abnormal symptoms

Although various medications can help prevent alcohol-induced headaches, the most effective solution is to avoid alcohol altogether. If drinking is unavoidable, consume alcohol in moderation and within safe limits. The less alcohol you drink, the less likely you are to experience headaches or intoxication. For individuals with migraines, consult a doctor to understand how alcohol may affect your health and to find appropriate solutions.

You can visit Vinmec Health System centers nationwide for consultations or contact their hotline for support.

References: webmd.com, health.harvard.edu, mayoclinic.org

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