Early underarm odor in adolescents can lead to inferiority for themselves and discomfort for those around them. Understanding the causes and ameliorating this condition can promote children’s confidence and development.
1. The body's sweat glands
Sweating is a normal function of a child's body. After a day full of activities, it's unavoidable for bodies and clothes to have an unpleasant odor. However, if the smell persists even after showering, it may indicate an underlying physiological issue related to the skin and sweat glands.
The odor on our bodies is caused by bacteria on the skin. According to research, there are approximately 4 million sweat glands in the human body, which can be categorized into two main types:
- Eccrine sweat glands: These glands are distributed throughout the body and help regulate the body temperature and eliminate toxins. Therefore, eccrine sweat glands often work when you have a fever or consume spicy foods. Sweat secreted from eccrine sweat glands is primarily water.
- Apocrine sweat glands: These glands are concentrated in areas such as the anus, armpits, and are sensitive to adrenaline. Therefore, their sweating functions are activated by physical exertion, anxious stress or fear. Apocrine sweat, which contains fatty acids, is opaque, and odorless. However, it can become the body’s specialized odor when exposed to bacteria on the skin or clothes.
In young children, eccrine sweat glands are typically more active, but when they enter puberty or experience abnormal bodily changes, apocrine sweat glands start functioning.
Children often have subtle body odors that may go unnoticed. Newborns and children under 8 years old typically don't have noticeable body odors. However, as they approach puberty, they start to develop more distinct body odors. Adolescents around 12 years old start having body odor. This is a normal part of development and signals the onset of puberty.
Girls usually begin puberty earlier than boys, so they may start sweating and having an adult-like odor. This is a sign of healthy development. Meanwhile, boys typically start to develop body odor 1-2 years later. If a 3-year-old child has a strong body odor, parents should bring him/her to a pediatrician to determine the cause.

2. Causes of early underarms odor in children
Early puberty is a common cause of early body odor in children. When a child undergoes puberty early, certain hormones like DHEA are overproduced, leading to underarm odor. Along with this odor, the child may also experience other changes such as the growth of pubic hair and acne.
Other causes of early underarm odor in children include:
- Phenylketonuria: This is considered to be caused by the inability to convert phenylalanine into tyrosine due to a deficiency of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. Tyrosine is known as a vital precursor for the production of serotonin, neuro-transmitting catecholamines, thyroid hormones, and melanin. If left untreated, children with smelly armpits may develop a musty odor in their skin, breath, and even urine.
- Fish odor syndrome: as known as trimethylaminuria which is a rare metabolic disorder caused by defects in the body's ability to produce the enzyme flavin. Normally, when monooxygenase 3 does not function properly or the produced amount of this enzyme does not fulfill the need, the body will lose the ability to degrade trimethylamine into trimethylamine oxide in the digestive process. This leads to accumulation of substances that create odor in the armpits, urine, sweat, breath and its smell is very strong and fishy.
- Excessive sweating syndrome: This condition is common in children and teenagers. It can be caused by habitual factors such as excessive consumption of carbonated beverages or spicy foods, as well as vigorous physical activity. This kind of sweating can occur not only in the armpits but also all over the body. It can also be caused by bacterial infections or hormonal imbalances during puberty…
- Poor hygiene and diet: Diet can also contribute to body odor, especially in the armpits and breath... Underarm odor in children can possibly originate from poor hygiene, such as wearing smelly clothes or physical exertion without regular showering. Moreover, as children enter puberty, they develop underarm hair, which can trap bacteria and provide them favorable conditions to grow and develop. That can explain why children will have musty odor in the armpits and covered areas if not properly cleaned.

3. Prevention of body odor and underarm odor in children
Here are some ways to prevent body odor and underarm odor in children:
- Maintain good personal hygiene: Parents should show their children how to bathe properly to reduce body odor.
- Ensure that children's clothes are always clean and not worn for consecutive days.
- Encourage children to drink plenty of water to detoxify the body and reduce odor.
- Avoid foods that can cause body odor. Instead, choose foods that can help deodorize the body, such as sage and rosemary.
In summary, there are various causes of underarm odor in children, such as diet, early puberty, or fish odor syndrome… Understanding the causes will help children feel more confident and develop better.
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