Reducing underarm sweat can be achieved effectively through natural remedies without relying on medications or treatments. These include lifestyle adjustments and healthy habits to minimize conditions that cause unpleasant odors.
1. Use Topical Antiperspirants
Preventing underarm sweat and eliminating odor-causing bacteria can be managed by applying antiperspirants. If regular products don’t provide results, opt for those containing higher concentrations of aluminum chloride (at least 13%). If these remain ineffective, consult a doctor for prescription-strength antiperspirants.
To maximize the effectiveness of antiperspirants, it’s crucial to use them properly:
- Apply only to clean, dry skin (avoid using sweaty or damp underarms after bathing).
- Use antiperspirants at night after a shower to allow maximum absorption.
- Shave underarm hair, as it can hinder the antiperspirant's efficacy (but avoid shaving immediately before application to prevent irritation).
- Be patient, as it may take up to four days of consistent use to notice full results.
2. Dry Off Completely After Bathing
Prevent excessive underarm sweating by ensuring your body is completely dry before dressing, especially after a hot shower or when living in a humid climate.
3. Shave Underarm Hair
Shaving underarm hair reduces sweat accumulation and facilitates odor control. If you experience excessive sweating or persistent body odor, keeping underarms hair-free is highly recommended.

4. Avoid Sweat-Inducing Foods
Dietary choices can significantly influence underarm sweat production. If you are prone to excessive sweating, reduce or eliminate the following sweat-triggering foods:
- Processed foods
- Alcohol and beer
- Garlic and onions
- High-fat foods
- Caffeine
- Spicy or hot dishes
- Ice cream
5. Consume Foods That Reduce Underarm Sweat
Incorporate foods that do not disrupt digestion or overstimulate the nervous system into your diet. Examples of sweat-reducing foods include:
- Water
- Foods rich in calcium (e.g., dairy products and cheese)
- Almonds
- Bananas
- Milk scum
- Fruits and vegetables with high water content (e.g., watermelon, grapes, cantaloupe, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, bell peppers, eggplants, red cabbage)
- Olive oil
- Oatmeal
- Green tea
- Sweet potatoes
6. Stay Hydrated
Drinking plenty of water and consuming water-rich foods can help regulate body temperature and prevent excessive underarm sweating.
7. Wear Loose, Breathable Clothing
Tight-fitting clothes, particularly those snug around the underarms, can trap sweat and cause yellow stains. Opt for loose, breathable fabrics to keep the underarm area cool, reducing sweat marks and discomfort.
8. Limit Caffeine Consumption
Caffeine stimulates the nervous system and increases sweat production. It also raises blood pressure, accelerates heart rate, and activates sweat glands.
If you frequently consume coffee or other caffeinated beverages, you may sweat more than those who don’t. Consider reducing or eliminating caffeine from your routine.

9. Quit Smoking
Nicotine, like caffeine, raises body temperature, accelerates heart rate, and stimulates sweat glands. Additionally, smoking causes issues like bad breath, stained teeth, and significantly increases cancer risk. Quitting smoking not only reduces underarm sweating but also improves overall health.
While underarm sweat does not pose significant health risks, it can be inconvenient and impact self-confidence. If home remedies fail to address the issue, consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice.
At Vinmec International General Hospital, excessive underarm sweating caused by autonomic nervous system dysfunction is treated through endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy. This procedure effectively reduces excessive hand and foot sweating, performed by experienced surgeons using advanced equipment. Patients undergo comprehensive preoperative evaluations, surgery, and postoperative monitoring following international treatment protocols. This minimally invasive procedure has shown outstanding results: immediate efficacy, long-lasting effects with a single surgery, high aesthetic standards, and a short recovery period. Benefits include reduced hand and foot sweating, faster resumption of daily activities, and improved confidence.
Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.