Why do women 35 - 36 weeks pregnant often have vaginitis?

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Pregnant women in the 35-36th week of pregnancy often have a higher risk of vaginitis than in the previous stages. Without prompt and definitive treatment, the disease can progress to chronic vaginitis, which recurs many times a year. Therefore, you should learn carefully about the causes and signs of a 35-week pregnant woman with vaginitis for timely treatment.

1. Causes of vaginitis 35 weeks pregnant women

35 weeks pregnant women have vaginitis due to basal metabolism and skin vascular proliferation during pregnancy. This change causes pregnant women to increase perspiration, the skin also becomes more sensitive to external stimuli such as weather, rubbing clothes, existing skin diseases. Pregnant women sweat a lot, leading to heat rash, especially in the interstitial areas in the vaginal area.
In addition, vaginitis in pregnant women also occurs from other causes such as:
Change in pH level in the vaginal area. When the pH level becomes unbalanced (severely alkaline), it is easy to get infected, leading to women 35 weeks pregnant with vaginitis. Pregnant women 35 weeks pregnant have vaginitis due to folliculitis. This symptom appears from 4 to 9 months of pregnancy, causing itching in the hairy areas of the genitals. Women 35 weeks pregnant have vaginitis caused by hemorrhoids during pregnancy. This phenomenon causes itching in the anal area and then affects the private area, causing vaginitis at 35 weeks pregnant.

Trắc nghiệm: Bạn có hiểu đúng về dấu hiệu mang thai sớm?

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2. Vaginitis at 35 weeks pregnant

The most obvious manifestation of a 35-week pregnant woman with vaginitis is an uncomfortable itching sensation in the pregnant woman's private area. Besides, this phenomenon is also accompanied by some of the following symptoms:
Bad breath, a lot of discharge, green or yellow color. Vaginal area always has a strong odor, the odor will be worse during sex Pain in the private area during sex and when urinating The vaginal mucosa becomes sensitive, red and easy to bleed Pregnant women feel sharp pain when pressing on the urethra. When the above-mentioned symptoms appear, pregnant women need to be alert and go to the doctor early for timely treatment to avoid affecting the health of the fetus and pregnant woman.
Why do women 35 - 36 weeks pregnant often have vaginitis?

3. How does vaginitis affect pregnant women?

The state of pregnant women 35 weeks pregnant with vaginitis not only affects the mother's activities but also affects the development of the fetus.
Impact of vaginitis on pregnant women:
Pregnant women who are 35 weeks pregnant with vaginitis will feel inconvenient in daily life. The increased sweating combined with the itching in the private area makes it difficult for the mother to focus on her work, causing inconvenience in life. Vaginal area is damaged. The itching in the vaginal area, if the impact is strong, the skin in this area can be scratched, easily attacked by bacteria, causing infection for pregnant women 35 weeks pregnant with vaginitis. Pregnant women who are 35 weeks pregnant with vaginitis are prone to dangerous gynecological diseases. Usually, vaginitis is caused by Candida fungus when the pH environment is out of balance during pregnancy. This fungus is also the cause of the symptoms of frequent urination, painful urination, and abnormal discharge. Impact of vaginitis on the fetus:
35 weeks pregnant women with vaginitis, if not treated in time, will negatively affect the development of the fetus. At this time, the fetus is likely to be born prematurely, in more severe cases can lead to miscarriage. If a pregnant woman chooses to give birth naturally, bacteria can easily attack the baby, causing some diseases such as respiratory diseases.

4. Treatment of vaginitis at 35 . weeks of gestation

When experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge, pregnant women at 35 weeks gestation with vaginitis should first consult a specialist for accurate diagnosis and timely treatment. In addition, pregnant women should avoid using the drug without the permission of the doctor. This can be harmful to both the mother and the unborn baby. Treatment for pregnant women 35 weeks pregnant with vaginitis should be based on the following principles:
Clean the private area, do not use soapy water with strong detergents when cleaning the private area. Wear loose-fitting cotton clothing, do not wear tight clothing. Develop a suitable diet for late pregnancy. This diet should have more olive oil (unrefined), foods rich in vitamin A (liver, vegetables, eggs), foods rich in vitamin D (sea fish, dairy products, ...), acids. linoleic (sardines, flaxseed oil,...) Limit sex until the disease is completely cured. Avoid eating hot spicy foods or foods that are too sweet. At Vinmec International General Hospital, there is a team of experienced and highly qualified obstetricians and gynecologists who can definitively diagnose and treat common gynecological diseases during pregnancy, including vaginal thrush. religion. To prevent unpleasant symptoms of the disease, you should go to the doctor early for timely treatment, to avoid chronic vaginitis.
Why do women 35 - 36 weeks pregnant often have vaginitis?

In addition, Vinmec International General Hospital offers maternity packages with outstanding quality, including 12-week maternity care; 27 weeks maternity care; Care for 36 weeks maternity and labor. Pregnant women will be monitored health from pregnancy, during delivery and after birth, early diagnosis of possible diseases, including vaginal thrush during pregnancy.
If there is a need for consultation and examination at the Hospitals of the National Health System, please book an appointment on the website to be served.

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