Which case has a normal birth without an episiotomy?

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

Not every pregnancy during labor requires an episiotomy, this is decided depending on the progress of each woman's labor.

1. Does vaginal birth require an incision?

Episiotomy is a small procedure in obstetrics to widen the vulva to help the fetus come out easily, and this procedure will help the mother avoid tearing the perineum. subject.
In terms of purpose, episiotomy is a good procedure, but it does not mean that it should be overused for all cases of vaginal birth. Perineal incision is only allowed when the vaginal birth process encounters difficulties such as fetal head too large or too large, poor flexibility and dilation ability of the perineum, contractions. The uterus is not strong enough to push the fetus out, or the mother has an infection of the genital tract that interferes with the exit of the fetus,...

2. What are the cases of normal birth without episiotomy?

You can give birth normally without an episiotomy if the baby's health is good and the fetus is not too large
You can give birth normally without an episiotomy if the baby's health is good and the fetus is not too large

2.1. Normal births without an episiotomy Most vaginal births require an episiotomy, but not all. Normally, during labor, if there are no obstetric complications or there are no special indications, the obstetricians and midwives in charge of the case will support mothers to be able to give birth. Usually vaginal delivery is facilitated by natural pushing to coordinate the rhythm of breathing and uterine contractions.
Cases of women giving birth without an episiotomy include:
The mother's health is good, and she doesn't have genital infections during pregnancy, especially during labor. The mother has a wide pelvis and no pelvic pathology. The cervix is ​​dilated, the uterine contractions are regular and strong enough to bring the baby out smoothly. The perineum is well dilated and flexible. The baby's health is good, there are no signs of fetal distress. The position of the fetus is favorable and the fetus is not too big. In cases of vaginal birth, the risk of having to have an episiotomy is lower than in those who have given birth because after the first birth, the mother's perineum has adapted to the ability to dilate during pregnancy. during labor and vaginal delivery. However, this is only relative because the success of a normal delivery depends on many factors such as uterine contractions, time of labor, age and health of the mother. . 2.2. The secret to an easy vaginal birth without an episiotomy. Birth is often not an easy thing for mothers and not everyone can have a smooth vaginal birth. Some tips to make vaginal birth easy and minimize the need for episiotomy.
During pregnancy:
Have a reasonable diet, ensuring adequate nutrition for both mother and baby.

A reasonable diet helps provide enough nutrition for both mother and baby
A reasonable diet helps provide enough nutrition for both mother and baby

Pelvic massage, also known as perineal massage to increase the elasticity of the perineum. Should massage regularly every day before birth 6-8 weeks. Gentle massage, can be massaged with bare hands or combined with coconut oil or olive oil. Kegel exercises: Kegels are pelvic muscle exercises for pregnant women. This exercise both relaxes and increases the elasticity of the pelvic muscles, thereby making it more convenient for the birth process. Regular gentle walks in the last month of pregnancy to ease the baby down to the pelvic floor, favorable for birth. During labor:
Prepare well before giving birth. Walk and exercise gently under the guidance of specialists and medical staff. During labor, the pain will make the mother lose a lot of strength and often have a feeling of thirst, can let the mother sip a little water to feel more comfortable. Try to breathe evenly, breathe in and out slowly through the mouth, adjust the breathing rate to become shallower and coordinate with the uterine contractions. The nipple can be stimulated to increase uterine contractions to support the birth process more easily. The right way to give birth at the right time. Above is the basic knowledge about vaginal birth and episiotomy. Childbirth is a very important milestone in every woman's life. Don't worry too much and equip yourself with a lot of knowledge about childbirth so that you can welcome your baby safely and healthy.
Customers can refer to the package maternity care program at Vinmec International General Hospital with a route of scientific examination for pregnant mothers before - during - after birth with experienced doctors in the field of pregnancy. obstetrics and gynecology, ensuring close follow-up helps women have a healthy pregnancy and safe labor.

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