When these symptoms appear, it is necessary to screen for hepatobiliary disease early!

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Currently, the rate of people suffering from hepatobiliary diseases in Vietnam is increasing, in which many cases have already progressed to a severe stage when the disease is detected, with a high risk of death. As soon as these symptoms are detected, it is important to screen for hepatobiliary disease early!

1. The alarming situation of the increasing situation of hepatobiliary disease

The liver is one of the most important organs of the body with the main function of helping to eliminate harmful substances, protecting the body from dangerous factors. In addition, the liver also plays a role in preventing toxic substances from entering the body through the digestive tract, contributing to reducing the toxicity of toxic components, removing waste products from the body.

Bệnh gan mật gây nguy hiểm tới sức khỏe con người
Bệnh gan mật gây nguy hiểm tới sức khỏe con người
However, in the context of modern life, the liver every day is attacked by a series of harmful factors from the environment such as dirty food, alcohol, antibiotics, hepatitis B viruses, etc. damage the liver. The World Health Organization's statistical report said that currently, in Vietnam, about 7.8 million people have been diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B, 13,000 have decompensated cirrhosis, and about 6,000 people have cirrhosis. liver cancer and more than 6,400 deaths from liver disease.
According to this report, about 60% of Vietnamese people do not have the concept of the need to take measures to prevent liver diseases early.
Most liver diseases, in the early stages of the disease, almost no obvious symptoms, so patients often have subjective psychology and ignore the initial signs of disease. When detected, the disease often has progressed to a severe stage, which can turn into cirrhosis, liver cancer that is difficult to treat, even with a high risk of death.
Therefore, in order to minimize the situation of hepatobiliary disease, people need to be aware of disease prevention at all times, if the disease becomes serious before treatment, it will be difficult to recover. Special attention should be paid to hepatobiliary screening if the underlying symptoms of hepatobiliary disease appear.

Trắc nghiệm: Làm thế nào để bảo vệ lá gan khỏe mạnh?

Làm test trắc nghiệm kiểm tra hiểu biết về gan có thể giúp bạn nhận thức rõ vai trò quan trọng của gan, từ đó có các biện pháp bảo vệ gan để phòng ngừa bệnh tật.

2. Symptoms of hepatobiliary disease

Each person should take the initiative to undergo liver and biliary screening when the following symptoms appear:
Poor appetite The body is often tired Appears fullness, nausea Signs of mild pain in the right lower quadrant Present Jaundice, yellow eyes Gastrointestinal disorders: bloating, gas, indigestion Appears nosebleeds, abnormal bleeding gums, decreased sexual activity

3. What does the hepatobiliary screening package show?

Determine the level and ability of the liver to work at the present time thanks to liver enzyme tests Determine the working capacity of bile Assess the total blood cell analysis, perform hepatitis B screening tests ,C Determine the current status of the liver and bile through ultrasound.

4. Subjects using the hepatobiliary screening package

Rượu bia là nguyên nhân gây bệnh gan mật
Rượu bia là nguyên nhân gây bệnh gan mật
People of all ages have the following habits:
Staying up at night Regularly drinking alcohol, using stimulants Frequent exposure to chemicals, waste, industrial dust Using antibiotics for a long time Unreasonable living and eating habits; often use dirty food, food containing preservatives. Cases with high risk of infection with hepatitis B and C: pierced ears; unprotected sex; sharing needles, razors Those who have ever given blood, donated blood, received blood by unsafe methods

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