What to eat after ectopic pregnancy?

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Ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous for women today and needs to be detected early for surgery. After surgery, a woman's body is very weak and can lose a lot of blood. Therefore, the post-surgery diet is extremely important for women.

1. What is an ectopic pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants itself outside rather than inside the uterus. This condition is also known as "tubal pregnancy" because most of them occur in the fallopian tubes. Whether there is a problem with the egg or the fallopian tube, the egg gets stuck on its way to the uterus.
Pregnancy cannot survive outside the uterus, so all ectopic pregnancies must be treated. About 90% of women with ectopic pregnancies need surgery. Today, the number of surgeries has greatly decreased, and many ectopic pregnancies are treated with medication to prevent the condition from progressing.
If you are diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy, your doctor's treatment will depend on the progress of your pregnancy, the location of the embryo, and the severity of your symptoms.

2. Foods to eat after ectopic pregnancy

2.1. Fiber supplements It is very important to include fiber in your diet while you are recovering from surgery for an ectopic pregnancy. Not only are high-fiber foods healthier than low-fiber foods, but fiber also plays an important role in preventing constipation, a common complication after surgery.
Constipation is not only uncomfortable after surgery, it can actually increase pain and the likelihood of having to return to the hospital during recovery.
Here are some foods that are rich in fiber:
Whole grain bread: Look for breads that use whole grains and are darker in color. White bread is a refined product and not a good source of fiber. Whole grains: Includes corn, oatmeal, and other grains. Not all grains are high in fiber. Check labels to avoid sugary or low-fiber cereals. Look for cereals that have fiber in the name or pair them with old-fashioned breakfast items, such as oatmeal or cream of wheat. Fruit: Fresh fruit is an excellent source of vitamins and fiber. Vegetables: Vegetables are a very good source of fiber. You can buy fresh or frozen vegetables.

Bổ sung chất xơ sẽ giúp bạn ngăn ngừa táo bón - biến chứng thường gặp sau phẫu thuật.
Bổ sung chất xơ sẽ giúp bạn ngăn ngừa táo bón - biến chứng thường gặp sau phẫu thuật.
2.2. Eat fresh fish Fish is a food rich in protein, low in fat and offers many health benefits. In particular, white fish has a lower fat content than any other animal protein source. Oily fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids, or "good" fats. Since the human body cannot make appreciable amounts of these essential nutrients, fish is an important part of the diet. Additionally, fish is low in "bad" fats commonly found in red meat, called omega-6 fatty acids.
2.3. Chicken after a cesarean section, women will feel tired, weak and may feel sad. This will affect sleep so the patient needs to be quiet. Chicken contains a lot of amino acid tryptophan, it is like a sedative that will make the nervous system good, have a deep and good sleep. In chicken, in addition to those substances, there is also vitamin B6 that affects the metabolism in the body of women.
2.4. Egg Yolk Egg yolk contains a certain amount of fat, which plays a role in regulating cholesterol, helping to prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood and promoting the elimination of cholesterol from the body.
Moreover, egg yolk contains protein and vitamins, so it is very good for women after surgery.
2.5. Milk Women after an ectopic pregnancy need to supplement milk because milk is full of substances such as protein, sugar, lipids, potassium, and multivitamins.
Drink pasteurized raw milk because pasteurized milk can fight infection, helping the incision to heal.

Uống sữa có thể giúp bạn bổ sung những dưỡng chất cần thiết sau mổ như protein, kali, vitamin tổng hợp,...
Uống sữa có thể giúp bạn bổ sung những dưỡng chất cần thiết sau mổ như protein, kali, vitamin tổng hợp,...

3. Foods to avoid after laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy

3.1. Sticky rice, water spinach, egg white and shrimp These dishes should be avoided for women after surgery because they will make the incisions inflamed, swollen and festering. They can also create scars and patchy spots, if you have poor physical condition, it will cause keloids to lose the aesthetic beauty of your body.
3.2. Foods that cause cold for the body such as crabs, snails, buffalo meat, baba These foods have the effect of inhibiting the condensation of blood, affecting the hemostasis process after endoscopic surgery and making wounds take longer to heal.
3.3. Legumes and soy milk In people with good health, legumes and products made from beans will bring great benefits and nutritional value to those after surgery. But women who have surgery for ectopic pregnancy should absolutely not eat because the composition of beans contains phytate. This substance will make it difficult for the body to absorb iron and the body's blood regeneration process.
3.4. Ginger Ginger contains ingredients that cause uterine contractions, causing the uterus to work and cause friction. In particular, eating ginger can easily cause bleeding, so women after ectopic pregnancy need to be careful not to include ginger in dishes.
3.5. Stimulants and hot foods Alcohol, beer, and coffee are stimulants that are harmful to the liver and lungs. In particular, for women after surgery, these substances will affect their health, making the recovery process longer and the incisions swollen, festering, and patchy.

Ăn gừng sau khi mổ thai ngoài tử cung có thể khiến bạn bị xuất huyết.
Ăn gừng sau khi mổ thai ngoài tử cung có thể khiến bạn bị xuất huyết.

4. Lifestyle after ectopic pregnancy surgery

4.1. Limit heavy work and travel After surgery, a woman's body needs time to recover. Therefore, it is necessary to limit travel and heavy work; for example, climbing stairs, running and jumping, carrying calves,... During the first 2 weeks after surgery, it is necessary to rest gently, do not walk and do sports.
4.2. Avoid making the body cold Do not use cold water too soon after surgery because it is easy to make the incisions shrink and get cold leading to diseases such as infections, fever, and colds. Use warm water to wash your body carefully and gently.
4.3. No sex between husband and wife Cesarean section will affect the uterus of a woman, so sexual intercourse between husband and wife should be abstained for a period of 4-6 months for the wound to heal. After 4-6 months, it is necessary to use contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous condition if not diagnosed and treated promptly. If unfortunately encountering this situation, the patient should quickly go to specialized medical facilities as soon as possible for timely treatment.
Laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy surgery at Vinmec with outstanding advantages:
The hospital is equipped with leading modern equipment in Vietnam in the operating room The surgical procedures are performed seriously (before) During surgery, a full review sheet must be carried out before surgery...), regularly have someone urge them to check, and at the same time keep up to date with the latest procedures and regulations in the world. The hospital environment is clean, there is no hospital infection, so the patient does not have to be treated with antibiotics after surgery. All information about the pathology and surgical management of ectopic pregnancy is stored in the electronic medical record, easy to look up in cases where it is necessary to retrieve information when it is necessary to treat fertility problems. of the patient. A team of highly qualified and experienced medical professionals. In addition, to reduce complications of ectopic pregnancy, Vinmec offers a comprehensive health care package for couples, pregnant mothers and their unborn babies, including basic pre-marital examination packages, pre-marital examination packages. Advanced staff , maternity package package . Vinmec has a team of experienced doctors in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology, IVF, stem cells, gene technology, capable of synchronously and comprehensively deploying the most advanced assisted reproductive techniques today.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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