What to eat after drinking to drink alcohol?

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Alcohol is one of the commonly used beverages in Vietnam, and has a great impact on health. When drunk, the body may lose water, headache, discomfort, ... So to get rid of alcohol, what should we eat after drinking?

1. How does drunkenness affect health?

Drunkenness is a physiological state caused by consuming a sufficiently large amount of alcohol, which causes the blood alcohol concentration to rise. Drunk people often have symptoms that manifest in stages, also known as sequelae of drunkenness:
First stage: Drunk people have symptoms of mental excitement, talk a lot, laugh and talk happily. Blood alcohol concentration is about 1-2g/liter. The next stage: This is the stage of intoxication, loss of motor coordination, staggered walking, confusion, talking a lot, speaking incoherently. Blood alcohol concentration above 2g/liter. Later stages: loss of sensation, deep sleep, semi-coma. Alcohol concentration above 3g/liter. If you drink too much alcohol, high blood alcohol levels can lead to coma, hypothermia, confusion, respiratory failure and need for emergency care. For cases of blood alcohol concentration of 4-5 g / liter can lead to death. Besides, when drunk, the body will lose water due to vomiting, sweating, ... If the patient is not drunk, it will lead to severe dehydration and life-threatening. Therefore, in order to get rid of alcohol effectively and immediately, after being drunk, the patient needs to eat some foods to help dilute the alcohol concentration in the blood and replenish water in time.
MORE: Are anti-alcohol drugs effective and safe?

Nghiện rượu có thể gây ra nhiều bệnh lý nguy hiểm
Nghiện rượu có thể gây ra nhiều bệnh lý nguy hiểm

2. What to eat after being drunk?

What to eat after being drunk is a question of many people, because this is a fairly common condition.

2.1 What to eat when drunk?

Some foods that help to cure alcohol effectively that drunk people should eat include:
Porridge: porridge is one of the foods that are easy to prepare. Accordingly, to answer the question of what to eat porridge after being drunk, family members should cook dilute porridge and feed it to drunkards while it is still hot to sweat and reduce blood alcohol concentration. Vegetable soup, hot soup: hot soups or soups such as bean sprout soup, bitter melon with lean meat, kimchi soup,... Chicken eggs: boiled eggs or using eggs to cook porridge are very good for drunk people. . Because eggs contain the amino acid L-cystetine, which helps eliminate acetaldehyde in the body. From there, it will help the body lose the feeling of fatigue and discomfort. However, it should be noted that eggs should not be fried because of cheese and meat because grease will stimulate the digestive system, making the patient feel more tired, to change the taste, it can be processed with vegetables or onions. Chicken noodle soup: helps replenish fluids and salts lost due to alcohol, and provides cystetine to help the liver detoxify alcohol. Bananas: Bananas are high in potassium, which is one of the electrolytes lost when drinking alcohol. So eating bananas will help provide important electrolytes for the body. People with mild alcohol poisoning can immediately eat 3-5 bananas. SEE ALSO: What to drink at home for good drinking? Should you drink lemonade, honey, ginger?

Cháo là một thực phẩm phổ biến giúp giải rượu
Cháo là một thực phẩm phổ biến giúp giải rượu

2.2 What to drink when drunk?

In addition to good alcohol-relaxing foods, drunk people need to add water, vitamins and minerals with the following drinks and fruits:
Purified water: add water to prevent dehydration, reduce dehydration. blood alcohol concentration. Can use immediately filtered water or other types of water containing electrolytes. Rice water: drunk people can drink rice water instead of eating porridge to relieve alcohol, because rice water contains a lot of sugar and B vitamins that have the effect of detoxifying alcohol. In addition, can add a little white sugar will bring better effect. Fruits with a lot of water: oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, watermelons, ... are all fruits that contain a lot of water, drunk people can eat directly or squeeze to drink water. Legumes: Beans have cool, sweet taste and are quite effective. Fresh ginger juice: warm, spicy, used to keep the body warm, help blood vessels circulate better and avoid colds. You can thinly slice ginger and then mix it with hot water, add a little honey or sugar to make it easier to drink. Sugarcane juice: Sugarcane juice has a good alcohol-relaxing effect, just let a drunkard drink a cup of sugarcane juice to have an immediate effect. Green beans, black beans: can be pureed green beans, black beans mixed with boiling water or simmered into tea to drink. Tomatoes: Drinking a cup of ripe tomato smoothie will help detox quickly and have a high detoxifying ability.

Nước mía đem lại tác dụng giải rượu nhanh chóng
Nước mía đem lại tác dụng giải rượu nhanh chóng

Drunk is a physiological state when blood alcohol concentration is high, greatly affecting the patient's health, in severe cases can lead to coma and even death. Therefore, it is necessary to know the level of intoxication of the patient. For mild cases, alcohol can be detoxified at home by eating and drinking cool foods and drinking alcohol. In cases of severe alcohol intoxication, the patient should be taken immediately to a medical facility for timely intervention.

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