What is saturated fat?

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Saturated fat is a familiar name for those who are interested in nutrition. However, many people still do not fully understand what saturated fat means and whether saturated fat is good or bad. This article will help provide you with useful information about saturated fat.

1. Is saturated fat good or bad?

Saturated fats are classified as bad fats, similar to trans fats. Health experts around the world agree that a diet high in saturated fat will increase the bad cholesterol in the blood, also known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL).
Therefore, saturated fat is not only not beneficial to human health, but when combined with refined starchy dishes, it will increase the risk of:
Cardiovascular disease; Blood vessel blockage; Type 2 diabetes; Fatty blood or viscera.

Trắc nghiệm: Muối trong thực phẩm, natri, huyết áp và sức khỏe của bạn

Muối, natri là chất khoáng cần thiết cho cơ thể để duy trì hoạt động ổn định. Tuy nhiên, chế độ ăn thừa muối có nguy cơ cao dẫn tới các vấn đề sức khỏe nghiêm trọng. Cùng làm bài trắc nghiệm sau đây để hiểu hơn về những ảnh hưởng của các khoáng chất này tới huyết áp và sức khỏe bạn thế nào nhé.

Nguồn tham khảo: webmd.com

2. How to recognize saturated fat

Saturated fat can be identified through the following distinguishing features:
Being fat from animal fat; Solidify at normal temperature; Found in meat, eggs, milk and dairy products; There are small amounts in some plants such as palm, coconut, cocoa and oil crops.

Được tìm thấy trong thịt, trứng, sữa và các chế phẩm từ sữa
Được tìm thấy trong thịt, trứng, sữa và các chế phẩm từ sữa

3. How harmful are trans fats?

Trans fats are also known as trans fats - short for trans fatty acids. This fat comes from vegetable oils and is hydrogenated during food processing, especially deep-frying. This can be considered the worst type of fat for the body for a number of reasons:
Lowers "good" cholesterol (HDL); Increased "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides; It is more difficult to remove from the body than saturated fat; 3 times higher risk of cardiovascular disease than saturated fat.

Chất béo chuyển hóa gây nguy cơ mắc bệnh tim mạch cao gấp 3 lần so với chất béo bão hòa
Chất béo chuyển hóa gây nguy cơ mắc bệnh tim mạch cao gấp 3 lần so với chất béo bão hòa

4. The Truth About Saturated and Trans Fats

Be careful with fat-based energy In fact, the human body cannot make essential fatty acids on its own, so we must absorb additional fat from our nutrition every day. In addition to the function of dissolving some special vitamins, fat also provides energy for the body similar to protein or starch. But each gram of fat contains twice the calories of carbohydrates or protein. The calories that come from fat are also easier to turn into fat in the human body than the other two types of substances.
Most foods contain fats/fatty acids In general, experts generally recommend limiting the intake of both saturated and trans fats, even in small amounts, for a variety of health reasons. However, most common foods contain fats or fatty acids, whether of plant or animal origin. The food group contains saturated and trans fats that are mostly solid at room temperature, for example butter and tallow.
In summary, avoiding foods containing a lot of saturated fat, animal fat and trans fats will help control blood cholesterol levels effectively. In addition, replacing unhealthy fats with good fats, such as unsaturated fats, is a way to promote a healthy heart and improve quality of life. Should consult more medical experts to build the healthiest and most scientific nutritional menu possible.

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