What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a psychological illness that affects the life of the patient and those around him. So, what is obsessive-compulsive disorder and what are its symptoms? Please refer to the following article for more information about this disease.

1. What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, also known as obsessive-compulsive disorder and abbreviated as OCD, is a neurological disease related to the patient's thoughts and behavior. This is a mental illness and is common in many different forms.
People with OCD often have meaningless repetitive behaviors and thoughts to relieve stress or anxiety. In the long term, OCD will affect the patient's life as well as everyone around.
Currently, there are no medical studies to pinpoint the exact cause of OCD, however, the following factors can increase the likelihood of developing this disease:
Changes in brain or body, Serotonin deficiency in the brain; Children infected with beta-hemolytic streptococci, group A streptococcus are more susceptible than other children. Do a certain behavior for a long time and form a habit. Family history of these disorders. Stress, stress in life, especially for sensitive people. Women who are pregnant or have just given birth have a higher risk of developing the disease than the general population.

2. Signs of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disease that many people ignore and often ignore, making the disease worse and more difficult to treat.
There are many signs to identify this condition, however, the line between being sick and not being sick is often very thin and depends on the extent of the disorder. Here are some signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder you should know:
Wash your hands too thoroughly OCD sufferers are obsessed with germs on their hands, this is the most common sign of this disease. Patients often wash their hands and thoroughly clean their hands and always show fear of the spread of pathogens from the surrounding environment.

Rửa tay quá kỹ là dấu hiệu phổ biến của người mắc chứng rối loạn ám ảnh cưỡng chế.
Rửa tay quá kỹ là dấu hiệu phổ biến của người mắc chứng rối loạn ám ảnh cưỡng chế.
Always wanting to check everything Obsessive compulsive disorder patients tend to check things more than the average person, the patient always feels insecure about everything and needs to check many times to see it. more secure.
Clean the house according to the rules OCD patients often have their own house cleaning rules and are obligated to follow and the house must be kept clean at all times. The patient does not ignore cleaning no matter how tiring, always has a feeling of germs everywhere and is equipped with a lot of home cleaning tools.
Obsession with numbers Obsessive-compulsive disorder patients are often obsessed with numbers, they often cause a lot of trouble for people around when they ask them to be serious with numbers, feel anxious Excessive anxiety when encountering unlucky numbers or often counting people, goals or tasks,...
Very good organization ability Although obsessive-compulsive disorder is a disease, it is not. It is undeniable that this group of people with this disease has the ability to organize things extremely well, even perfectly. However, this ability also causes some troubles for the sick person as well as those around them such as not being able to rest until the work is done, annoying people because of the excessive detail or doing the work. slow progress of work because too focused on details.
Exaggeration of violence Conflicts about violence are undesirable. However, for people with OCD, the fear is so exaggerated that they do not dare to go out in public for fear of being abused. In addition, patients also have other fears such as fear of family violence because of doing something wrong, fear of going to school, being bullied, fear of being abused when traveling in deserted places,...
Haunting Sexual images People with obsessive-compulsive disorder may have unusual thoughts about their sexual orientation, such as wanting to have sex with strangers, with children or people of the same sex, or even with colleagues or guests. customers in the company,... These sexual obsessions often appear in the patient's mind, but sometimes they themselves do not want to.
Suffering about relationships OCD patients always feel anxious about relationships, afraid of hurting the other party, even always want to know what the other person thinks to feel secure. In particular, people with obsessive-compulsive disorder often feel insecure and anxious when they have conflicts with colleagues or friends, relatives, make certain mistakes without having a way to handle them.
Expectations of reassurance Patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder often do not trust their own decisions and often ask for opinions of people around them on issues that need to be decided by themselves. Patients always feel that following everyone's opinions will make themselves feel more secure.
Extremely hate looking in the mirror People with OCD often have symptoms related to the syndrome of inferiority complex, the patient hates looking in the mirror or is very reluctant to look at them. Patients often do not believe in compliments about their appearance and always feel that they have not been beautiful since birth.

Quá ám ảnh về những con số, sắp xếp thứ gì đó theo trật tự cũng là biểu hiện của rối loạn ám ảnh cưỡng chế.
Quá ám ảnh về những con số, sắp xếp thứ gì đó theo trật tự cũng là biểu hiện của rối loạn ám ảnh cưỡng chế.

3. How is obsessive-compulsive disorder diagnosed?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder usually begins between the ages of 15 and 25, the rate of onset is earlier than that of women, but the rate of women is higher than that of men. This disease causes a lot of trouble for the patient and those around him, such as affecting work, appearance, increasing conflicts in society, harming everyone around by negative thoughts,...
Although there are many signs to recognize obsessive-compulsive disorder, the above signs are only relative. To know exactly if you are suffering from this condition or not, the patient needs to go to the hospital for examination and examination.
To evaluate this disease, doctors mainly rely on clinical manifestations. Therefore, the patient should honestly inform the doctor about all the problems they are having so that the diagnosis process goes smoothly and accurately.
The diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder is usually made with a psychologist or neurologist. The diagnosis process takes place quickly or longer depending on the patient's trust in the doctor. Especially for young OCD patients, children need more time for them to talk about all the problems without fear. The doctor as well as the patient's family need to be really patient during the diagnosis process.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is not difficult to recognize if relatives, family and friends pay more attention to the patient. Early diagnosis of this condition will help the patient to receive treatment early and get rid of this psychological illness.

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Reference articles: msdmanuals.com, hellobacsi.com
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