What is normal blood pressure for people aged 40 and over?

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Blood pressure is one of the basic indicators in assessing health in general and cardiovascular health in particular. Normal blood pressure varies from age to age.

1. What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the pushing pressure created by the circulation of blood in the blood vessels, this is considered one of the main signs that an organism is alive or dead.
When the heart beats, blood pressure changes from maximum systolic pressure to minimum diastolic pressure with each beat.
Average blood pressure is caused by the pumping power of the heart and the resistance in the blood vessels, so the farther the blood travels through the arteries from the heart, the lower the blood pressure.
There are many factors that affect blood pressure such as: valves in the veins, gravity, breathing rate, muscle contractions...

Huyết áp có thể ảnh hưởng bởi nhịp thở
Huyết áp có thể ảnh hưởng bởi nhịp thở
Blood pressure readings are usually measured in the arm, or the inside of the hand, at the elbow of the brachial artery. The blood pressure reading is expressed as a fraction, where the numerator is the systolic pressure, the denominator is the diastolic pressure, and the unit is millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

Trắc nghiệm: Huyết áp của bạn có đang thực sự tốt?

Huyết áp cao hay thấp đều ảnh hưởng đến tình trạng sức khỏe con người. Để biết tình trạng huyết áp của bạn có thực sự tốt không, hãy làm bài trắc nghiệm sau đây để đánh giá.

2. What is a normal blood pressure reading?

Regarding the measurement of normal blood pressure, it is assessed by 2 values: systolic blood pressure (also called systolic pressure) and diastolic blood pressure (also called diastolic blood pressure).
To determine if the blood pressure reading is normal or not, it must be based on both these values. Specifically:
+ Normal blood pressure: Normally, in adults, if the systolic blood pressure is below 120mmHg and the diastolic blood pressure is below 80mmHg, it is considered normal blood pressure.

Huyết áp cao khi chỉ số vượt mức bình thường
Huyết áp cao khi chỉ số vượt mức bình thường
High blood pressure: When the systolic blood pressure is 140 mmHg or higher or the diastolic blood pressure is below 90 mmHg, it is diagnosed as high blood pressure. Pre-hypertension: When the blood pressure value is between the normal range and the high blood pressure level (when the systolic blood pressure is 120-139 mmHg or the diastolic blood pressure is 80-89 mmHg), it is called pre-hypertension. Low blood pressure: Hypotension or low blood pressure is when the systolic blood pressure is below 90 mmHg or 25 mmHg below the normal blood pressure reading.

3. Normal blood pressure readings by age

Depending on age, there are different levels of safe blood pressure readings, that is, different normal blood pressure readings. Therefore, not everyone knows how to answer health information from their blood pressure readings.
Therefore, compare with the information below the standard normal blood pressure readings for each age group below to properly assess your health and fitness.
Age 15 - 19: normal blood pressure readings are: Minimum-BP: 105/73 mm/Hg
BP Average: 117/77 mm/HG
Maximum BP: 120/81 mm/Hg
Degree age 20 - 24: Normal blood pressure readings are: Minimum-BP: h108/75 mm/Hg
BP Average: 120/79 mm/Hg
BP Maximum: 132/83 mm/Hg
Age from 25 - 29: Normal blood pressure readings are: Minimum-BP: 109/76 mm/Hg
BP Average 121/80 mm/Hg
Maximum BP 133/84 mm/Hg
Age 30 - 34: Normal blood pressure readings are: Minimum-BP: 110/77 mm/Hg
Mean BP: 122/81 mm/Hg
Maximum BP: 134/85 mm/Hg
Age 35 - 39: blood pressure Normal pressure is: Minimum-BP: 111/78 mm/Hg
Mean BP: 123/82 mm/Hg
Maximum BP: 135/86 mm/Hg

Độ tuổi 40 dễ gặp vấn đề về huyết áp
Độ tuổi 40 dễ gặp vấn đề về huyết áp

Age from 40-44: normal blood pressure readings are: Minimum-BP: 112/79 mm/Hg
Mean BP: 125/83 mm/Hg
Maximum BP: 137/87 mm/Hg
Degree age 45-4: normal blood pressure readings are: Minimum-BP: 115/80 mm/Hg
Mean BP: 127/64 mm/Hg
Maximum BP: 139/88 mm/Hg
Age from 50-54: normal blood pressure readings are: Minimum-BP: 116/81 mm/Hg
mean BP 129/85 mm/Hg
Maximum BP : 142/89 mm/Hg
Age 55-59 : normal blood pressure readings are: Minimum-BP: 118/82 mm/Hg
mean BP 131/86 mm/Hg
Maximum BP: 144/90 mm/Hg
Age 60-6: index Normal blood pressure is: Minimum-BP: 121/83 mm/Hg
mean BP 134/87 mm/Hg
Maximum BP: 147/91 mm/Hg
American Heart Association (AHA) consensus blood pressure in people with normal blood pressure and a safe blood pressure level for everyone is less than 120/80 mm/Hg.
With normal blood pressure readings for each age group, when we use a blood pressure monitor, if we compare it, people with high or low blood pressure should be more cautious in their diet. , his activities. High and low blood pressure can be overcome early, avoiding high blood pressure and lowering blood pressure.

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