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Articles in SBP

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Do we need to continue taking antihypertensive medications when blood pressure is stable?
Antihypertensive medications are prescribed for people with high blood pressure. Accordingly, to ensure health, patients may need to take antihypertensive medications for life, even if their blood pressure stabilizes.
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Postoperative Hypertension
All surgeries carry a certain degree of risk, even when all procedures are performed correctly. One common risk is postoperative hypertension. To better understand this condition, please read the following article.
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What is a normal blood pressure reading after waking up?
When I woke up this morning, before getting out of bed, I measured my blood pressure in both arms. My left arm was 133/82, and my right arm was 125/81. I've read that blood pressure is usually higher when you first wake up. So, doctor, I'd like to ask, what is a normal blood pressure reading right after waking up?
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Is a systolic blood pressure of 105 - 110 and a diastolic blood pressure of 54 - 62 normal or abnormal?
Doctor, could you please tell me if a systolic blood pressure of 105 - 110 and a diastolic blood pressure of 54 - 62 is normal or abnormal?
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What is a Healthy Blood Pressure for a 70-Year-Old?
Blood pressure refers to the force exerted by blood on the walls of the body’s blood vessels, playing a crucial role in many bodily functions. For each age group, maintaining an appropriate blood pressure level is essential to ensure optimal organ function. For the elderly, especially those aged 70, monitoring blood pressure carefully is vital, as the body becomes weaker and less efficient compared to its younger years.
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