What is itamelagin?

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Itamelagin 500mg is a medicine to treat vaginitis, used in cases of fungus or contributes to the balance of the physiological environment of the vagina. This is a prescription drug group, so you should only use it when prescribed by your doctor.

1. What is Itamelagin?

Itamelagin is a medicine used to treat vaginitis. The drug has the main ingredients that are:
Metronidazole 500mg; Miconazole nitrate 100mg; Lactobacillus acidophilus 50mg ; Excipients are enough for one tablet. Packaging of the drug includes a box of 2 blisters, each blister has 5 tablets.
2. What effect does Itamelagin have after using it? Itamelagin is a topical treatment for vaginitis caused by various causes.
The mechanism of action of Metronidazole is still not well understood. However, this substance has a broad spectrum effect on many microorganisms such as amoeba, anaerobic bacteria, Giardia lamblia. Metronidazole is only resistant to some cases. If infected with anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, Metronidazole should be combined with other antibacterial drugs. In addition, Itamelagin is also a synthetic Imidazol drug, used to treat fungi in the vagina (Aspergillus, Candida, Cladosporium, Blastomyces, Epidermophyton,...). The mechanism of action of Miconazole is to inhibit the synthesis of ergosterol in the fungal cell membrane, thereby inhibiting the growth of fungal bacterial cells.
In the liver the drug is metabolized to inactive substances and they are excreted in the urine. When used topically, miconazole is absorbed into the body through the stratum corneum of the skin and enters the bloodstream in less than 1% of the drug. The vaginal form will absorb and enter the bloodstream less than 1.3% of the drug.

3. Itamelagin is indicated for what cases?

People with vaginitis, vaginal discharge, itching, burning caused by many different causes; Trichomonas vaginal and urethral infections; Vulva and vagina fungal infections; Patients with anaerobic vaginal infections are sensitive to the components of the drug; Balances the physiological environment of the vagina and brings the pH back to normal. 4. Instructions for use and dosage of Itamelagin Use 1 vaginal tablet per day before going to bed for 10 days. After the symptoms of the disease have ended, this additional dose should be used for the next few days. Dosage and duration of treatment can be changed according to the doctor's prescription.
Note before ordering Itamelagin, it is necessary to store the medicine in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Clean the vagina before inserting and inserting the medicine. To ensure that the patient should place Itamelagin as deeply as possible and in the supine position. After placing the medicine, the patient should stay in the lying position for 15-30 minutes, do not exercise right now to avoid dropping the medicine outside.
If the patient is still in the menstrual period and continues to use the drug as usual, do not stop taking it on your own. Always keep the vagina dry, avoid moisture to help get good treatment results, limit mold.

5. Treatment in case of drug overdose Itamelagin

Overdose is the case where the patient uses more than the prescribed amount of the drug prescribed by the doctor. In this case, it is necessary to treat symptoms in combination with supportive methods. If the patient takes an overdose of the drug by mouth, perform gastric lavage to remove the remaining drug.
When you miss a dose of Itamelagin 500mg you should take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is too close to the time of your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue taking it as usual. Absolutely do not arbitrarily double or stop the drug without the consent of the treating doctor.
6. Possible Drug Interactions Currently, there have been no recorded interactions when using Itamelagin with other drugs to put into the vagina because the drug is only absorbed into the bloodstream less than 1.3%.
When combined with Metronidazole and Phenobarbital, it will increase the metabolism of Metronidazole, thereby making Metronidazole faster to be eliminated.
Do not use Metronidazole with Disulfiram concurrently because they have the same type of action, otherwise it may cause toxicity to the nervous system (confusion, psychosis).
Itamelagin also has the ability to increase the effect of anticoagulants (Warfarin) so they should not be used at the same time.
In addition, itamelagin should not be used with Vecuronium, Cimetidine because it may increase the effect of the drug.
7. The side effects of the drug Itamelagin In the early stages (newly treated with the drug) the patient may appear some typical symptoms such as: Itching, burning sensation in the vaginal mucosa. If the patient has any of the above symptoms, go to a medical center to get help from a doctor.
8. Things to be careful when using Itamelagin drug Itamelagin should not be used for patients who are sensitive to the ingredients of the drug or other derivatives of Imidazole, people with liver damage, people with porphyrin disorders, .. The process of using the drug can reduce the ability of mechanical methods to prevent pregnancy (diaphragm, condom). During treatment with the drug should not have sex. To prevent reinfection, both sexual partners should be treated. People in pregnancy: There are no documents proving the safety of the drug for this group of people, so do not use the drug while pregnant. Lactation: The ingredients in Itamelagin can be excreted in breast milk, so a consideration should be given to breastfeeding and drug use. If breastfeeding, itamelagin should be discontinued and vice versa. Patients can breastfeed after 24-48 hours of taking the drug. Itamelagin does not affect the ability to drive or use machines. The drug should only be used within 3 years from the date of manufacture. Store Itamelagin in a cool place, do not expose the medicine to direct sunlight or places with too high air humidity (toilet, bathroom). Itamelagin is commonly used to treat fungal infections or to help balance the physiological environment of the vagina. The drug has a low cost, short treatment time and few side effects, so it is the first choice of many doctors. However, Itamelagin belongs to the group of prescription drugs, so it should only be used when prescribed by a doctor.

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