Uses of the drug Farmiga

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Farmiga contains the active ingredient Miconazole nitrate 100 mg, which belongs to the group of drugs used to treat parasites, infections, viruses, and fungi. The drug is formulated for the user in the form of a vaginal suppository. So what disease does Farmiga cure and how to use it?

1. Uses of the drug Farmiga

Farmiga drug has a local therapeutic effect on the symptoms of vaginitis, vaginal discharge, itching due to causes including:
Infection with Trichomonas vagina and urethra. Fungal infections, vaginal candidiasis and vulva - vagina. Mixed infections caused by gram-positive, anaerobic, vulvar fungal infections. The use of Farmiga is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients with hypersensitivity to Miconazole, other imidazole derivatives or any of its ingredients. People with liver damage. Porphyrin metabolism disorders Combined with warfarin, astemizol, cisapride.

2. Dosage and how to use Farmiga

Users can refer to the dosage of Farmiga as follows:
Vaginally 1 tablet per day, before going to bed for 10 consecutive days or twice a day, 1 tablet in the morning, 1 tablet in the morning evening for 7 days. After the symptoms have disappeared, this dose should be continued for a few more days.
Note when using:
Put the pill in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes, wash the vagina, put it deep into the vagina before putting the medicine. Use your fingers to push the pill as deep into the vagina as possible, in a supine position for best effect.

3. Side effects when taking the drug Farmiga

Some unwanted side effects when using the drug may be encountered such as: Feeling of itching, hot irritation of the vaginal mucosa, especially in the new stage of treatment.
Inform the doctor about the side effects that occur when taking the drug for advice and appropriate dosage adjustment.

4. Farmiga drug interactions

There have been no recorded interactions with other drugs because Miconazole inserted vaginally, will be absorbed into the blood about less than 1.3%.
Increases metabolism of metronidazole, so metronidazole is eliminated more quickly when metronidazole and phenobarbital are used concurrently.
Concomitant administration of miconazole with theophylline and procainamide may alter plasma concentrations of that drug.

5. Some notes when using Farmiga

May reduce the reliability of mechanical contraceptives such as condoms and diaphragms due to the interaction of the suppository and the rubber membrane. To prevent reinfection, treat your partner at the same time and avoid sexual intercourse for the duration of treatment. For pregnant women: The safety of the drug when used in pregnant women has not been reported, so Farmiga should not be used during this period. For women who are breastfeeding: Should stop breastfeeding while using the drug. After 24 - 48 hours after treatment can continue breastfeeding. Hopefully, the information shared about the uses and some notes when using Farmiga will help users understand and use the drug safely.

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