Home Tag Trichomoniasis

Articles in Trichomoniasis

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Flagyl 250mg: Uses, dosage, side effects
Flagyl 250 mg belongs to the group of antibacterial and antiparasitic drugs. The drug is used in cases of infections with bacteria and parasites sensitive to the nitro 5-imidazol group. For each specific case, the use of the drug is different. Let's learn some characteristics of uses, dosage, side effects and notes when using flagyl 250mg drug through the article below.
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What is Ornidazole 500mg?
Ornidazole 500mg medicine contains the active ingredient Ornidazole, is indicated in the treatment of bacterial and parasitic conditions such as amoeba in the liver and intestines or Giardia disease... Let's learn about the uses and usage of Ornidazole through the article. write below.
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Uses of Tinidazole 500mg
Tinidazole 500mg drug belongs to the group of drugs that act on the vagina, amoebicide, and other antibiotics. Tinidazole is often indicated for use in cases of gastrointestinal anaerobic infections, giardiasis, prevention of postoperative anaerobic infections,... So what does Tinidazole do?
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Uses of Orgyl 500mg
Orgyl 500mg medicine contains the active ingredient ornidazole 500mg. This is a medicine used to treat people with vaginal and urinary problems, urinary tract and bowel infections, or certain infections in the body.
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What is itamelagin?
Itamelagin 500mg is a medicine to treat vaginitis, used in cases of fungus or contributes to the balance of the physiological environment of the vagina. This is a prescription drug group, so you should only use it when prescribed by your doctor.
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Uses of the drug Farmiga
Farmiga medicine contains the active ingredient Miconazole nitrate 100 mg, which belongs to the group of drugs used to treat parasites, anti-infectives, antivirals and antifungals. The drug is formulated for the user in the form of a vaginal suppository. So what disease does Farmiga cure and how to use it?
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Most people infected with trichomoniasis do not have any symptoms
Trichomonas là bệnh lây truyền qua đường tình dục diễn ra phổ biến do ký sinh trùng gây ra. Khoảng 70% người nhiễm bệnh không có bất kỳ dấu hiệu hoặc triệu chứng nào. Khi nhiễm trichomonas gây ra các triệu chứng, chúng có thể dao động từ kích ứng nhẹ đến viêm nặng. Thời gian bắt đầu có triệu chứng kéo dài từ 5 đến 28 ngày sau khi bị nhiễm trichomonas.
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