What is hemoglobin electrophoresis?

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Article by doctor of Hematology - Blood Transfusion - Laboratory Department - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.

Hemoglobin electrophoresis is a blood test that detects normal or abnormal Hemoglobin components and their concentrations? Accordingly, hemoglobin electrophoresis is used as a first-line test to approach suspected cases of Hemoglobin disease, Thalassemia...

1. What is hemoglobin electrophoresis?

Hemoglobin (Hemoglobin-Hb) is a protein consisting of two components, the nucleus Hem and Globin, located in red blood cells, responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood, circulating oxygen from the lungs to all tissues and muscles. Hemoglobin has a very special structure including Fe2+ ions, which helps it to separate oxygen molecules from the natural air mixture when inhaled into the lungs. . Each hemoglobin can carry 4 molecules of O2, a red blood cell can carry up to 300 million hemoglobin, which means that each time it returns to the lungs, a red blood cell can carry 1.2 billion molecules of O2.

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If Hemoglobin is normal, it will transport and release oxygen with maximum efficiency. If hemoglobin is abnormal, the ability to carry oxygen is limited, leading to a lack of oxygen to tissues and organs. Accordingly, the amount of hemoglobin depends on age, gender, ethnicity, geography... In normal men, it ranges from 130 - 170 g/L; In women, it is about 120 - 150 g/L.
Hemoglobin electrophoresis is a blood test to detect normal or abnormal hemoglobin components and their concentrations? This method is used as a first-line test to approach suspected cases of Hemoglobin disease, Thalassemia disease ...
Currently, there are many methods of Hb electrophoresis such as: Electrophoresis in alkaline pH environment on cellulose acetate paper, agar gel electrophoresis in acidic pH environment, agarose gel electrophoresis or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, capillary electrophoresis, high pressure liquid chromatography electrophoresis ...
Besides, there are many kinds of hemoglobin , depending on the combination of different sequences such as: Hemoglobin A, HbA1, HbA2. Normal hemoglobin includes: HbA2, HbF, and HbA. Certain types of abnormal hemoglobin such as HbE, HbS, Hb Bart's, HbD, HbC, HbH, HbI...

Phân tích thành phần Hb bằng phương pháp sắc ký lỏng hiệu nâng cao
Phân tích thành phần Hb bằng phương pháp sắc ký lỏng hiệu nâng cao

2. When is hemoglobin electrophoresis indicated?

Hemoglobin electrophoresis is indicated when:
Evaluation of cases of anemia, unexplained hemolysis. Microcytic anemia is not associated with iron deficiency, chronic disease, or lead poisoning. The total analysis of peripheral blood cells showed a decrease in Hb, MCV and MCH, which showed abnormal red blood cells (hypochromic, sickle cell, target, ellipse, teardrop). , red blood cell fragment ...). Anemia with suspected hemoglobin abnormality. Family, relatives have Hemoglobin disease such as Thalassemia disease, sickle cell disease,... Results of some screening tests for sickle cell disease, HbH, HbE... are positive... Pre-health test marriage, if two people carrying the same Thalassemia gene are married, they should be counseled before planning to become pregnant. If a couple carrying the same form of Thalassemia becomes pregnant, they should have amniocentesis for prenatal diagnosis at specialized medical facilities. In these cases, medicine can intervene so that the person carrying the Thalassemia gene is complete. can give birth to healthy, disease-free children...

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Gói khám tiền hôn nhân tại Vinmec

3. Meaning of hemoglobin electrophoresis test

Hemoglobin electrophoresis test shows hemoglobin components, normal or abnormal, for doctors to diagnose, advise and treat patients.

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Giá trị bình thường của các loại huyết sắc tố

Common types of Hemoglobin
Hemoglobin A: This is the most common type of hemoglobin in adults. Some diseases, such as Thalassemia, cause hemoglobin A levels to decrease and hemoglobin F levels to increase. Hemoglobin F (FetalHemoglobin – Fetal Hemoglobin): This type is usually found in fetuses and newborns, Hemoglobin F is replaced by Hemoglobin A shortly after birth, a small amount of Hemoglobin F is made after born. In some diseases such as sickle cell disease, aplastic anemia, leukemia, etc., the patient has many abnormal types of hemoglobin and high amount of hemoglobin F. Hemoglobin A2: Hemoglobin is found in small amounts in adults. Abnormal Hemoglobin Types
Hemoglobin S: This type of Hemoglobin occurs with sickle cell disease; Hemoglobin C: This type of Hemoglobin is not able to carry oxygen well, often the cause of hemolytic anemia, which is milder than sickle cell disease; Hemoglobin E: This type of hemoglobin is found in people of Southeast Asian descent; Hemoglobin D: This type of Hemoglobin appears when sickle cell disorder... Hemoglobin Bart's (Hb Bart's), hemoglobin H (HbH), hemoglobin Cs (HbCs or Hb Constant Spring) occurs due to have alpha gene mutations and often appear in patients with alpha thalassemia major... Blood diseases are dangerous diseases, whereby hemoglobin electrophoresis test is an important test to evaluate diseases. Congenital hemolysis and other blood diseases.
Vinmec International General Hospital performs hemoglobin electrophoresis test in the examination and treatment of diseases and packages of pre-marital health examination and prenatal diagnosis with suspected cases of pregnant women and fetuses. have genetic abnormalities or hemophilia. Accordingly, the hemoglobin electrophoresis test at Vinmec is carried out methodically and in accordance with standard procedures by a team of highly qualified medical professionals and modern machinery, thus giving accurate results, contributing to plays an important role in determining disease and disease stage. From there, there are directions for effective consultation and treatment for patients.
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