What is Grade A Gastroesophageal Reflux?

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Department of Gastroenterology - Endoscopy, Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is classified into 5 levels, 0, A, B, C, D. Detecting the disease at an early stage, especially grade A gastroesophageal reflux disease, helps to treat the disease more easily and bring better results. more effective, reducing the risk of complications.

1. What is Gastroesophageal Reflux?

Gastroesophageal reflux is a condition in which gastric juices and bile flow back up from the stomach into the esophagus. If reflux occurs more than twice a week, it is called gastroesophageal reflux disease.
The symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease are: heartburn, belching, heartburn, nausea and vomiting, epigastric pain, chest pain, bitter mouth, difficulty swallowing, throat tightness, prolonged cough , prolonged pharyngitis,...
Gastroesophageal reflux disease is classified into 5 levels as:
Level 0: When endoscopy does not clearly detect inflammation in the lining of the esophagus, it proves gastric reflux. not much effect on the esophagus; Grade A: The lining of the esophagus has inflamed areas, slips, and ulcers with a length of no more than 5mm; Grade B: Esophageal mucosa has slips, ulcers larger than 5mm, scattered sporadically. patients have pain when eating, choking due to narrowing of the esophagus; Grade C: Grade B erosions and ulcers are concentrated together, the ulcer scope is enlarged, accompanied by esophageal dysplasia. This stage is also called Barrett's esophagus - is a pre-cancerous stage of the esophagus;

Grade D: Barrett's esophagus has advanced, if not treated promptly, it will metaplasia into a deep ulcer, greater than 75% of the circumference of the esophagus.

Trào ngược dạ dày có thể tiến triển thành ung thư nếu không được điều trị kịp thời
Trào ngược dạ dày có thể tiến triển thành ung thư nếu không được điều trị kịp thời

2. What is Grade A Gastroesophageal Reflux?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease grade A is a new-onset stage, the esophageal mucosa shows signs of damage, but the degree of ulceration and inflammation is still mild. On endoscopy, the image showed an erosion in the lining of the esophagus less than 5mm in length.
The patient has the following symptoms:
gas, heartburn and belching: Ợ gas occurs after a full meal or even in the case of an empty stomach. If there is an excess of acid in the patient's stomach, the released gas will have a sour taste, accompanied by a burning sensation; Nausea and vomiting: Nausea manifestations have a low frequency of occurrence, in the vomit fluid may be food or foods that cause nausea; Excessive salivation: Grade A acid reflux causes the salivary glands to secrete more. The reason is because saliva is alkaline, so it can neutralize the acid condition that erodes the lining of the esophagus. This is the body's natural mechanism;

Burning epigastric stomach: An ulcer condition that causes damage to the lining of the esophagus, triggering dull, burning pain; Difficulty swallowing, bitter mouth, neck entanglement: Under the influence of acid and gastric juice, the lining of the esophagus is scratched, eroded, forming slips and ulcers. This causes difficulty swallowing, pain when swallowing food. With the case of bile reflux, the patient has a bitter taste in the mouth; Cough, sore throat: Gastrointestinal reflux, entering the respiratory tract will cause cough, sore throat and hoarseness. When experiencing the above symptoms, patients should visit specialized medical facilities to detect and treat the disease early and effectively.

Trào ngược dạ dày độ A khiến người bệnh gặp triệu chứng ho, đau họng
Trào ngược dạ dày độ A khiến người bệnh gặp triệu chứng ho, đau họng

3. Is grade A gastroesophageal reflux dangerous?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease - grade A is not too worrisome because at this time the inflammation is only mild, if detected in time, the treatment can be completely cured.
However, in case the patient is subjective and not serious in the treatment process, the disease will progress very quickly. When the disease manifests itself at a severe level, it will be difficult to treat the disease, and potentially dangerous complications will arise.
Some complications of the disease:
Esophageal ulcers: Inflammatory reactions in the esophagus, if not promptly intervened, can develop rapidly. In the lining of the esophagus will form ulcers with more serious symptoms than inflammation; Barrett's esophagus: Once gastric juice flows up into the esophagus for a long time, it will lead to Barrett's esophagus. About 5% of cases with Barrett's esophagus are at risk of esophageal cancer; Esophageal cancer: May arise, especially in patients over 50 years of age.

4. Treatment of gastric reflux grade A

At grade A, complete medical treatment can respond well if the patient with GERD is seriously treated. The treatment of the disease can include both Eastern and Western medicine, but mainly Western medicine, combined with care measures to prevent the risk of disease recurrence.
4.1 Using Western medicine The purpose of using Western medicine is to inhibit inflammatory reactions and stimulate the stomach to reduce acid secretion. Groups of drugs that can be prescribed to patients include:

Người bệnh trào ngược dạ dày độ A cần uống thuốc theo đúng chỉ định của bác sĩ
Người bệnh trào ngược dạ dày độ A cần uống thuốc theo đúng chỉ định của bác sĩ

Drugs to neutralize gastric acid; Proton pump inhibitors; Drugs that support motility. The use of any drug with a specific time and dose will be prescribed by a specialist. Patients should not arbitrarily use drugs or change the type, dose or duration of use because it will not achieve the desired effect, even causing some unpredictable side effects.
In addition, the drugs used may have the potential to cause unwanted reactions, so when detecting abnormal signs, patients should actively notify the doctor for timely treatment.
4.2 Care and daily living Regularly visit periodically to accurately determine the stage of the disease and have a timely treatment plan; Do not use the drug without a doctor's prescription because the side effects of the drug may adversely affect the stomach - esophagus; Keep your mind relaxed, happy and optimistic every day, eliminate stress; Change the diet by using foods that are good for the health of the stomach such as yogurt, green vegetables, fruits, cereals, white meat, ... At the same time, it is necessary to limit the consumption of foods. such as fast food, hot spicy food, sour food, spicy or greasy food,...; Eliminate bad habits in daily life such as: Eating too fast, not chewing well, eating too full, eating while lying down, sedentary,...; Maintain a stable weight, not to be overweight or obese;

Người bị trào ngược dạ dày độ A cần duy trì cân nặng
Người bị trào ngược dạ dày độ A cần duy trì cân nặng

Live in moderation, don't stay up late, get enough sleep and take a reasonable rest time; Increase exercise with moderate sports such as yoga, walking, cycling, swimming,...; Change your sleeping position to reduce symptoms of the disease. Grade A gastroesophageal reflux disease is not a serious problem if detected and treated properly. However, the patient should not be subjective because at this stage the esophagus has begun to appear lesions. Therefore, patients need to actively examine and strictly adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by the specialist.

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