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Articles in Stomach

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What tests should be done to diagnose bleeding from a peptic ulcer?
Gastrointestinal bleeding is a serious complication of gastric pathology, causing bleeding in the stomach lining leading to vomiting blood, bloody stools. If not detected and treated promptly, it can lead to death.
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What is Grade A Gastroesophageal Reflux?
Gastroesophageal reflux disease is classified into 5 levels, 0, A, B, C, D. Detecting the disease at an early stage, especially grade A, makes the treatment more convenient and brings better results. more effective, reduce the risk of complications.
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Difference Between Heartburn, Acid Reflux and GERD
Heartburn, acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are all common digestive problems. However, distinguishing heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD can be quite difficult because they cause similar discomforts.
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Injury to the duodenum: How to diagnose and perform surgery
Duodenal injury is a rare lesion in abdominal trauma, accounting for only about 3-5% of traumatic abdominal injuries and is often associated with pancreatic rupture.
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Laparoscopic surgery to remove 3/4 of the stomach
Phẫu thuật nội soi cắt 3⁄4 dạ dày được chỉ định với các bệnh lý dạ dày ác tính kèm theo nạo vét hạch bạch huyết. Phương pháp này ngày nay được thực hiện phổ biến và dần thay thế cho phẫu thuật truyền thống.
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What you need to know about stomach biopsies
Gastric biopsy, a technique commonly performed during gastroscopy, is the gold standard for identifying gastric cancer as well as the cause of certain stomach conditions.
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