What is fat adaptation?

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The keto diet is very low in carbs but high in fat and can provide a variety of health benefits, such as increased energy, weight loss, improved nerve function, and blood sugar control. blood. Fat adaptation is one of the terms associated with this diet.

1. Fat adaptation

The keto diet is based on the principle that the body will likely burn fat instead of carbs (glucose) for energy. After a few days, a diet low in carbs and high in fat causes the body to go into polyketosis, a state in which the body breaks down fatty acids to form the body's ketone form for energy.
When fat adaptation occurs, the body has reached a state of efficient fat burning. However, this reaction still needs more in-depth studies to have concrete proof.
To get started with multi-ketones, you usually eat no more than 50 grams and only about 20 grams of carbs per day for the first few days. Multi-ketosis can also occur during periods of starvation, fasting, pregnant women or infants.
Fat adaptation can begin any time between 4 and 12 weeks after initiating multi-ketones. However, it depends on the individual and how strictly each person adheres to the keto diet. Notably here, with endurance athletes can adapt to this diet more quickly than other subjects. Therefore, fat adaptation is thought to be a long-term metabolic process to burn fat instead of carbs.
Among keto believers, the process of burning carbs for energy is known as carb adaptation. Most people who follow a non-keto diet can be considered carb-adapted, although they can still use a mixture of carbs and fat.

Chế độ ăn keto dựa trên nguyên tắc cơ thể có thể sẽ đốt cháy chất béo thay vì carbs (glucose) để lấy năng lượng
Chế độ ăn keto dựa trên nguyên tắc cơ thể có thể sẽ đốt cháy chất béo thay vì carbs (glucose) để lấy năng lượng

2. Difference with multi-ketone

When initiating multi-ketogenesis, the body draws fat from its stores and dietary fats to convert fatty acids into ketones the body can use for energy. This process is often ineffective at first. When you're still in the early stages of the keto diet, a sudden increase in carbs can easily knock you out of the ketogenic process. Because the body is always adapting to burning carbs.
In contrast, fat adaptation is a long-term multi-ketogenic state in which you always get most of your energy from fat as a result of dietary changes. This state is said to be more stable because the body has switched to using fat as its main source of energy.
However, its effectiveness is mostly limited to evidence and no specific studies have been conducted. Thus, fat adaptation as an efficient and stable metabolic state is not yet supported by scientific evidence.
People who may want to take a short break from the keto diet including endurance athletes who may need quick fuel by providing carbs. Fat adaptation can be especially appealing to these people. Because, they can achieve the benefits of the keto diet shortly after returning to a regular diet.
However, whether the keto cycle can provide flexibility, the benefits to athletic performance are controversial. By some reports it impairs the body's ability to metabolize carbs in the short term. Therefore, more research is needed on the short- and long-term health effects of this eating pattern.

3. Signs and symptoms of fat adaptation

Mặc không hoàn toàn rõ ràng, nhưng tác dụng của BHB đối với não có thể giúp giải thích sự tập trung cao thường được thấy ở những người ăn chế độ keto dài hạn
Mặc không hoàn toàn rõ ràng, nhưng tác dụng của BHB đối với não có thể giúp giải thích sự tập trung cao thường được thấy ở những người ăn chế độ keto dài hạn
Signs and symptoms of fat adaptation are mainly based on conventional reports. Many people report that they have less cravings and are more energetic and focused. The onset of fat adaptation is not well described in the scientific literature, although there is some evidence of it for endurance athletes.
Furthermore, a few studies have shown these effects, but they were limited to a period of 4 to 12 months. Therefore, comprehensive and long-term studies on fat adaptation are needed as a scientific basis.
3.1. Reduced Appetite and Hunger People on the keto diet believe that reduced cravings are a sign of fat adaptation. Although, the hunger-reducing effect of multi-ketogenesis has been well documented. But the duration of this state varies from study to study. As such, there is plenty of scientific evidence to support the notion that fat adaptation reduces appetite.
A study conducted in 20 obese middle-aged adults who were placed on a phased control diet for a period of 4 months showed that the multi-ketogenic process of this study was the effect of the ketogenic outcome. suitable for a very low calorie diet.
Initial keto phase, allowing only 600 to 800 calories per day, and continuing until each participant reaches their goal weight loss. Multi-ketogenic can last from 60 to 90 days, after which participants are put on a diet combined with balanced nutritional ratios.
Appetite decreased significantly over the course of the study. However, during the 60 to 90 day multi-ketogenic phase, participants reported typical symptoms of severe calorie restriction including sadness, bad mood, and increased hunger. The reason for this is still unclear. Therefore, you should keep in mind that extreme calorie restriction can be harmful to health.
3.2. Increase focus The keto diet was originally created to treat children with drug-resistant epilepsy. It is quite interesting that children are able to use their body's ketones more efficiently for energy than adults.
Body ketone specifically is a molecule called beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) that has been shown to have a protective function in the brain. While not entirely clear, the effects of BHB on the brain may help explain the high concentration often seen in people on a long-term keto diet.
3.3. Improved sleep Some people also claim that fat adaptation improves sleep better. However, studies showing these effects are limited to specific populations such as children and adolescents with obesity or those with sleep disorders.

Một số người cho rằng sự thích ứng chất béo giúp cải thiện giấc ngủ tốt hơn
Một số người cho rằng sự thích ứng chất béo giúp cải thiện giấc ngủ tốt hơn
In a study done with 14 healthy men, those on the keto diet experienced deeper sleep but reduced rapid eye movement during sleep (REM). REM sleep is important because it activates brain regions involved in learning. As such, sleep in general may still not be improved.
Or another study conducted in 20 adults found no significant correlation between polyketosis and improved sleep quality or duration. Therefore, further research for these associations is needed.

4. Is fat adaptation beneficial for health?

Due to the lack of comprehensive studies, the significance of the keto diet for long-term health remains unclear. A 12-month study involving 377 people in Italy found some benefit, but fat adaptation was not described. Furthermore, the participants experienced significant changes in weight or fat mass. Or another study in 13,000 adults who followed a long-term carb-restricted diet and found it increased the risk of atrial fibrillation - an irregular heartbeat that can lead to serious complications like stroke, heart attack and death.
On the other hand, a 24-week study in 83 people with obesity found that the keto diet improved cholesterol levels.

5. Side effects

Hôi miệng là tác động ngắn hạn khi bắt đầu chế độ ăn keto
Hôi miệng là tác động ngắn hạn khi bắt đầu chế độ ăn keto
The keto diet can be difficult to maintain. The short-term effects are a group of symptoms known as the keto flu, which includes fatigue, brain fog, and bad breath. In addition, some reports have linked it to liver and bone damage.
In the long run, its limitations can trigger vitamin and mineral deficiencies. At the same time, it can also weaken your gut microbiome (the collection of healthy bacteria that live in your gut) and cause unpleasant side effects like constipation.
Dietary carbs associated with atrial fibrillation risk in people with heart disease. Furthermore, in a case study in a 60-year-old man with type 2 diabetes, it was shown that the keto diet can develop the dangerous condition diabetic ketoacidosis.
People with gallbladder disease should not follow this diet as, increased fat intake can worsen symptoms such as gallstones.
Fat adaptation is a long-term metabolic adjustment to polyketosis, a state in which the body burns fat for fuel instead of carbs. It is seen as one of the benefits of the Fat-Adaptive keto diet which is said to reduce cravings, increase energy levels, and improve sleep. It is more stable and efficient than the original multi-ketone. However, more research is still needed to have scientific evidence determining the long-term effectiveness of the keto diet and fat adaptation.
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References: healthline.com
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