What does forrest 3 duodenal ulcer mean?

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Gastroenterologist, Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

Gastrointestinal endoscopy to assess bleeding status based on Forrest classification. Forrest 3 duodenal ulcer is one of the Forrest classifications.

1. What is forrest 3 duodenal ulcer?

Gastroduodenal ulcer to evaluate ulcer bleeding through gastroduodenal endoscopy is based on Forrest's classification.
According to the Forrest classification, there are 3 levels of bleeding including: F1, F2 and F3
On gastroduodenal endoscopy according to this classification, forrest 3 is the mildest condition in which the patient has just formed an ulcer, not yet bleeding or bleeding from an ulcer that has stopped bleeding is observed.

2. How to classify bleeding from duodenal ulcer?

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Forrest classification table

Forrest classification: is a classification used for the purpose of endoscopic evaluation of peptic ulcer bleeding.
If Forrest class 1 has severe bleeding, it is necessary to receive emergency treatment to stop the bleeding to save the patient's life.
Forrest 2 the condition is milder, the blood has stopped, but it is important to pay attention to the possible blood clots.
Forrest 3: Is the mildest condition, just monitoring and medical treatment.

3. Signs of bleeding due to peptic ulcers

Patients often have a history of previous peptic ulcer disease. Vomiting fresh blood, blood clots with food. Black stools Abdominal pain: Patients can feel burning pain in the epigastrium, rarely feel severe pain Blood loss in many patients: Feeling dizzy, dizzy, or fainting, blue skin, sweating. Rapid pulse and low blood pressure.

4. What to do when having duodenal ulcer forrest 3

When having duodenal ulcer forrest 3, the patient should adhere to the drug treatment prescribed by the doctor, re-examination to evaluate the disease status.
Adjust diet and activities: Do not use alcohol, beer, tobacco, sour foods, carbonated water. Should eat easily digestible liquid, eat on time, avoid stress. Should not use pain relievers, anti-inflammatory... Take acid-reducing drugs
Kill H.P (Helicobacter Pylori) if available.
Follow-up by appointment

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