What do high white blood cells in the urine indicate?

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The urine white blood cell test is a fairly familiar test. In many cases this indicator gives a positive result. A positive leukocyte urine test means that the white blood cell count is higher than normal, indicating an issue. Causes of this problem include both medical and other problems.

1. What is a white blood cell urine test?

White blood cells are one of the types of blood cells that exist along with platelets and red blood cells. White blood cells, or white blood cells, are part of the immune system. White blood cells are responsible for destroying bacteria that invade the body. They help the body fight against harmful external agents and infectious diseases. These cells are produced and stored in many places in the body including the thymus, spleen, and bone marrow.
The appearance of white blood cells in the urine is considered normal when it is within the allowable limits. A positive leukocyte urine test means that the white blood cell count is higher than normal, indicating an issue. Causes of this problem include both medical and other problems.

2. Causes of high white blood cell urine test

Các nguyên nhân làm xét nghiệm nước tiểu bạch cầu cao là gì?
Các nguyên nhân làm xét nghiệm nước tiểu bạch cầu cao là gì?
Urinary tract infections are one of the most common causes of white blood cells in the urine. A UTI occurs when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra and begin to multiply in the bladder, especially during urination or during sex. This type of infection can increase the presence of white blood cells in the urine, accompanied by burning pain when urinating. Women are more likely to get UTIs than men because their urethra is shorter. A UTI can spread to the kidneys if not treated properly. Bladder tumors, kidney tumors, or kidney stones can cause white blood cells in the urine. A kidney infection also known as nephritis can become serious if left untreated. From a lower urinary tract infection, bacteria can spread up the ureters and into the kidneys. This condition can lead to kidney dysfunction and a kidney infection that causes the presence of white blood cells in the urine. A kidney infection is more likely if you have kidney or ureteral stones that restrict or block your urine flow. Urine stasis in the renal pelvis easily causes infection, white blood cells invade the area of ​​inflammation and are present in the urine. Patients may experience pain in the lower back along with frequent urination. It is important to see a doctor for early intervention.
Blood clotting problems or sickle cell anemia, blood and white blood cells may appear in the urine. Cancer of the kidney, prostate, or bladder can cause inflammation or blockage of the urinary tract, leading to the presence of white blood cells in the urine. Bladder infection leads to irritation of the lining of the bladder, white blood cells are present to destroy the bacteria. In the case of a bladder infection, there will be pain in the bladder area, painful and burning urination, and frequent urination. This condition is also known as cystitis and is common in adolescents, but in adults it is more common in women. Kidney stones: Your urine contains more white blood cells than usual, which can also be a sign of kidney stones. Obstruction that can be caused by kidney stones, tumors, or other foreign matter can lead to white blood cells in the urine. Pregnant women often have a higher-than-normal level of white blood cells in their blood. Pregnant women often experience this condition and this is not dangerous unless accompanied by other unusual symptoms. In addition, if you are pregnant and have a urinary tract infection, you should see your doctor for early treatment because this problem will make it difficult for you to get pregnant. Withholding urine: A typical reason that you absolutely should not hold urine is that holding urine for a long time and often will weaken the bladder, making it difficult to urinate later. If the bladder holds urine for too long, the possibility potential to cause an infection. This will increase the number of white blood cells in the urine. In addition to the basic causes mentioned above, there are a number of other causes that cause white blood cells in the urine:
Due to the influence of some pain relievers and anticoagulants; Working or exercising too hard. You should see your doctor if you notice any unusual symptoms with your urine, such as color, odor, or discomfort while urinating. You should not hesitate because bacteria can start to multiply in the urethra, spread to the bladder, kidneys and can lead to other more dangerous complications.

SEE ALSO: Why do urine tests have high white blood cells?

3. How is the treatment?

Nhiễm khuẩn đường tiểu lần đầu sẽ điều trị bằng kháng sinh ngắn hạn
Nhiễm khuẩn đường tiểu lần đầu sẽ điều trị bằng kháng sinh ngắn hạn
Treatment will depend on the cause of the increased white blood cells in the urine.
First UTI: Short-term antibiotic treatment Recurrent UTI: A longer course of antibiotics and more tests may be needed to look for causes of recurrent infections. In addition to antibiotics, increasing water intake can help limit urinary tract infections and cystitis. Positive leukocytes due to urinary tract obstruction : Obstruction due to benign tumor or medium and large kidney stones: the patient can be surgically intervened. If the kidney stone is small, the patient should increase the daily water intake to help push the small stone out of the urinary system. Obstruction due to melanoma: treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. The treatment of elevated white blood cells in the urine requires the correct regimen, so the patient needs to go to the hospital to conduct the necessary tests and treatment as prescribed by the doctor. Treatment may make the condition worse.
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