A urinalysis that shows a high level of white blood cells is a common test. Many people received positive results on this test. A positive white blood cell urine test means that there are more white blood cells than normal, indicating a potential problem. The causes of this issue can range from medical conditions to other factors.
1. What are white blood cells in urine?
White blood cells are a type of blood cell, existing with platelets and red blood cells. Also known as leukocytes, white blood cells are part of the immune system. Their primary function is to fight off invading bacteria. They help the body defend against harmful external agents and infectious diseases. These cells are produced and stored in various parts of the body, including the thymus, spleen, and bone marrow.
The presence of white blood cells in urine is considered normal within certain limits. A positive urine test for white blood cells means the level is higher than normal, indicating an abnormal problem. The causes of this can include both medical conditions and other factors.
2. Causes of High White Blood Cell Count in Urine

- Urinary tract infections are one of the most common causes of white blood cells in urine. When bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra and multiply in the bladder, especially during urination or sexual intercourse, it can lead to infection. This type of infection can increase the presence of white blood cells in urine, accompanied by burning during urination.
- Women are more likely to have urinary tract infections than men due to their shorter urethra. If left untreated, urinary tract infections can spread to the kidneys.
- Bladder tumors, kidney tumors, or kidney stones can cause an increase in white blood cells in urine.
- Kidney infection, also known as nephritis, can become severe if left untreated. Bacteria can spread from the lower urinary tract to the ureters and kidneys. This can lead to impaired kidney function and kidney infection, resulting in the presence of white blood cells in urine.
The risk of kidney infection is higher if you have kidney stones or ureteral stones that restrict or block the urinary tract. Urine that is trapped in the renal pelvis is more likely to become infected, causing white blood cells to enter the inflamed area and appear in the urine. Patients may experience pain in the lower back along with frequent urination. It is necessary to see a doctor for early diagnosis and treatment.
- Blood clotting disorders or sickle cell anemia can cause blood and white blood cells to appear in the urine. Kidney, prostate, or bladder cancer can cause inflammation or blockage of the urinary tract, leading to the presence of white blood cells in urine.
- Bladder infection leads to irritation of the bladder lining, causing white blood cells to be present to fight the infection. Symptoms include bladder pain, burning sensation during urination, and frequent urination. This condition is also known as cystitis and is commonly seen in adolescents, but in adults, it is more prevalent in women.
- Kidney stones: An increased presence of white blood cells in urine can also be a sign of kidney stones.
- Blockages caused by kidney stones, tumors, or other foreign objects can lead to the presence of white blood cells in urine.
- Pregnancy: Pregnant women often have higher levels of white blood cells than other women. This is usually normal unless accompanied by other abnormal symptoms. Additionally, if you are pregnant and develop a urinary tract infection, you should see a doctor for prompt treatment as it can affect your pregnancy.
- Holding pee: Holding urine for too long and too often can weaken the bladder and cause difficulty urinating later. If the bladder retains urine for too long, it can lead to infection, increasing the amount of white blood cells in urine.
In addition to the common causes mentioned above, there are other factors that can lead to high white blood cells in the urine:
- Certain medications such as pain relievers and anticoagulants, as well as excessive physical activity.
If you notice any abnormalities in your urine, such as changes in color, smell, or discomfort during urination, you should see a doctor. Bacteria can multiply in the urethra, spread to the bladder, and kidneys, and lead to more serious complications.
3. Treatment

Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the increased white blood cells in urine.
- First-time urinary tract infection: Short-term antibiotic treatment.
- Recurrent urinary tract infections: May require a longer course of antibiotics and additional tests to identify the cause of recurrence. In addition, increasing water intake can help prevent urinary tract infections and cystitis.
- Blockage of the urinary tract: Blockages caused by benign tumors or medium-sized to large kidney stones may require surgery. For small kidney stones, increasing water intake can help pass them out. Blockages caused by malignant tumors may require surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy.
The treatment of high white blood cell counts in urine must follow a specific treatment plan. Therefore, patients need to go to the hospital to undergo necessary tests and follow the doctor's prescribed treatment. Absolutely do not self-medicate as it can worsen the condition.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with its team of doctors and a system of modern technological equipment but also stands out with its comprehensive and professional examination, consultation, and treatment services; a civilized, polite, safe, and maximally sterile examination and treatment environment. Patients who choose to have tests done here can be completely assured of the accuracy of the test results.
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