What cancer is Altretamine used for?

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Altretamine is a drug indicated in the specialized treatment of oncology, with the mechanism through which alkylation damages the DNA of cells, preventing them from dividing and multiplying. So what is altretamine? How is the effect? Let's find out with Vinmec in the article below.

1. What is Altretamine?

With the mechanism of damaging the cell's DNA through alkylation, the drug has the effect of preventing cell division, thereby slowing the proliferation of cancer cells.
However, Altretamine is also converted to formaldehyde, which is toxic to cells, causing cells to die.

2. What does Altretamine do?

Altretamine is indicated for the palliative treatment of ovarian cancer that is present or recurrent that has been treated with a combination regimen of cisplatin and an alkylating agent.
In cases of platinum-resistant ovarian cancer, Altretamine is also used as an alternative therapy.
The drug is also used as consolidation therapy in patients who have achieved clinical complete remission after partial tumor resection and chemotherapy in stage III ovarian carcinoma.
Patients with small cell lung cancer are also prescribed this drug.

3. Cases of not using Altretamine

Hypersensitivity to Altretamine or any component of the drug Patients with a history of severe bone marrow failure History of severe neurotoxicity Do not use for pregnant women or nursing women Do not use copper with phenytoin or yellow fever vaccine

4. Dosage of Altretamine

The drug is prepared in the form of a capsule, when taking it, do not open the pill, break it or chew it. Dosage will depend on the condition of each person. The total daily dose will be divided into 4 doses, taken after meals or at bedtime.
If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember it and if it is almost time for your next scheduled dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose as directed.
It is important to take the correct dose. Always double check that the dose you take matches the dose on the prescription.
Altretamine can interact with some other drugs such as Cimetidine which can affect the process of drug elimination from the body. When used together with MAO inhibitor antidepressants, such as Isocarboxazid, Phenelzine,... Altretamine can cause orthostatic hypotension.
Before taking any medicine or vitamin supplements consult your doctor

5. Storage and handling

Store the medicine in its original, labeled packaging at room temperature, in a cool, dry place, away from direct light. Keep out of reach of children.
Always wash your hands before and after using or preparing medicine.
Do not dispose of medication by dropping it down the toilet or throwing it in the trash.

6. Side effects when using the drug altretamine

Causes nausea, vomiting: To reduce nausea or vomiting, ginger water or dilute salt water can be used, dietary changes can also limit this side effect Neurotoxicity : May occur some peripheral nerve symptoms such as numbness, tingling in the feet, hands, etc. Decrease in the number of white blood cells or neutrophils Altretamine can cause a decrease in the number of red blood cells Decrease in the number of red blood cells. Platelets Some rare but important side effects:
Neurotoxicity: Altretamine can cause conditions such as mood disturbances, altered consciousness, difficulty walking, dizziness, .. Postural hypotension: Postural hypotension is a sudden drop in blood pressure when changing positions (from lying down to sitting, or from sitting to standing) The drug can cause birth defects, so it should not be used. get pregnant while your husband or wife is being treated with Altretamine . Breastfeeding women should not breast-feed while taking this medicine.
Altretamine is a prescription drug, so make sure you consult your doctor before using it. Hopefully the article has provided you with useful information about the uses, dosage and precautions when using Altretamine.

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Reference source: oncolink.org
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