Dear doctor,
I had my first child by cesarean section 8 years ago and got my period back 1 month after giving birth. Now, it's been more than 3 months since I had my second child by cesarean section and I still haven't had my period back. Both children are exclusively breastfed. Do I have any problems? How long does it take for the first-period return after a cesarean section? Thank you!
Nguyen Thi Thu (1992)
Responded by Pham Thi Yen, MD, Specialist level 1 - Gynaecologist - Department of Gynaecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International Hospital.
I would like to answer the question “How long does it take for the first-period return after a cesarean section?”:
During pregnancy, women will no longer have menstrual cycles. However, after giving birth, menstruation will begin to appear normally again, including women who give birth naturally or by cesarean section. Some women have their period early, but some have their period late. This also depends on each person's body as well as whether the mother breastfeeds or not.
The precise timing at which the menstrual cycle returns following a cesarean section is currently unknown. Usually, women have their menstrual cycle during the first period, which means approximately 6 - 8 weeks. However, if they fully breastfeed their baby it could take longer, often between 3-6 months, because the body secretes prolactin and some hormones inhibit the production of estrogen while breastfeeding. Which causes the menstrual cycle to return slowly. Ovulation is less than ⅓ compared to normal due to the prolactin hormone.
In your case, 3 months after giving birth by cesarean section and exclusively breastfeeding, it is still normal that you have not had your period again. However, if you notice signs of back pain, menstrual cramps, fatigue, or no period for a long period of time after giving birth, which can be about 1 year in your case of exclusively breastfeeding, then see a doctor soon.
If you still have questions about cesarean section, you can go to a hospital in the Vinmec Health System for further examination and consultation. Thank you for your trust and sending questions to Vinmec. Wish you good health.
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