Is it dangerous to not bleed after abortion?

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Hello doctor. I have no bleeding after 2 days of abortion, is it okay? I only see a little dark discharge and chest pain and no symptoms at all? Ask your doctor to advise you on your case.
Anonymous question
Hello! Some signs after a successful abortion:
Vaginal bleeding after aspiration (also known as a discharge) is a normal and mandatory phenomenon. The amount of bleeding is not much as well as the bleeding usually lasts about 1-2 weeks depending on the geographical characteristics of each person.
After a successful abortion, women will also see a lot more vaginal discharge than usual if they pay close attention. Vaginal discharge usually does not have an odor and indicates quite a lot about 1-3 days, then the feeling of fullness or tightness in the chest like before the abortion also gradually disappears.
According to your sharing, you have a high chance of successful abortion. However, to be most accurate, you should go to a medical facility for an ultrasound. Or you can go directly to the nearest hospital in the Health system for a detailed check.
Thank you for submitting your question to Vinmec Health System.

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