What are the benefits of eating bitter melon?

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Bitter melon grows in tropical areas, including parts of East Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and South America, where it is used as food as well as medicinally. The fruit of this tree is, as the name suggests, bitter. Although the seeds, leaves, and vines of bitter melon have all been used, the fruit is the safest and most common part of the plant used medicinally. So what are the benefits of eating bitter melon? Read more to better understand the effects of eating bitter melon.

1. Nutritional composition of bitter melon

Bitter gourd is a young, soft, edible fruit of the genus Momordica of the vine. While its bitter taste may make some people uncomfortable, it can actually improve our health thanks to its disease-preventing and health-promoting phytochemical compounds. Botanically, bitter melon belongs to the family Gourd, in the genus Momordica and is a member of the same family as squash, watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumber,...
Scientific name: Momordica charantia. Some related varieties are balsam pear, cuundeamor, la-kwa,... Bitter gourd is one of the traditional edible vegetables in many Asian countries. It is widely grown as a field crop as well as a backyard vegetable and is, in fact, one of the bitterest of all culinary vegetables.
Bitter gourd is a temperate/tropical plant presumably native to Southeast Asia. Like other members of the Gourdaceae family, it is also a fast-growing, runner or climbing vine with thin stems and tendrils that require a truss to support their vines.
Bitter melon peel has a bitter taste characterized by soft ridges along its length and rough, pebble-like surface. Depending on the cultivar, its immature pods can be light green to dark green and are oblong or oval with a pointed tip at the end of the flower. Inside, the flesh is white with rough seeds, and the outside is a bit like a grooved gourd seed. As the fruits begin to mature, they gradually become hard, turning yellow or brown.
Bitter gourd contains many important nutrients for the body, especially vitamins and minerals.
Nutrient content in bitter melon (per 100g weight)
Chất dinh dưỡng Hàm lượng Tỷ lệ so với nhu cầu khuyến nghị
Năng lượng 17 Kcal < 1%
Carbs 3,7 g 3 %
Protein 1 g 2 %
Chất béo 0,17 g 0,5 %
Cholesterol 0 mg 0 %
Chất xơ 2,8 g 7 %
Vitamin B9 (Folate) 72 µg 18 %
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 0,4 mg 2,5 %
Vitamin B5 0,212 mg 4 %
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0,043 mg 3 %
Vitamin B2 0,04 mg 3 %
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0,04 mg 3,5 %
Vitamin A 471 IU 16 %
Vitamin C 84 mg 140 %
Chất điện giải
Natri 5 mg < 1 %
Kali 296 mg 6 %
Khoáng chất
Canxi 19 mg 2 %
Đồng 0,034 mg 4 %
Sắt 0,43 mg 5 %
Magie 17 mg 4 %
Mangan 0,089 mg 4 %
Kẽm 0,8 mg 7 %
Chất dinh dưỡng thực vật
Beta caroten 190 µg
Alpha caroten 185 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin 170 µg

2. What are the benefits of eating bitter melon?

Bitter gourd (popularly known as bitter melon) is a fruit with the highest vitamin A content among foods. Bitter melon is used to prevent dengue fever, protect cell membranes, prevent atherosclerosis, fight cancer, improve resistance, prevent colds, protect the heart.
In addition, the glycosides of bitter melon also have the effect of reducing blood sugar, so it has an adjunctive therapeutic effect on diabetes.
According to Oriental medicine, bitter melon has a bitter taste, a cooling property, a heat-clearing effect, brightens the eyes, detoxifies, is suitable for heat-producing disorders, brightens the eyes, cools the heart, laxative, tonic kidney and yang. ..

3. 10 benefits of bitter melon make you eat more

Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon, is commonly used for healthful reasons. Bitter gourd is also known as Karela, or Balsam Pear. Bitter gourd has a very bitter taste, but it is a useful food. Bitter gourd is often used for stir-frying, or can be used for stuffing. It is also likely to be added to the diet as a supplement. To get the full health benefits, find and cook melons regularly. Here are the top 10 health benefits of bitter melon
3.1. Aids in the treatment of type 2 diabetes Some studies have shown that bitter melon will lower blood sugar levels through increasing glucose metabolism. Drink a cup of bitter melon smoothie every day. Try this recipe to get the full benefits of the fruit. For any changes to your diet, consult your doctor. Discontinue use if you are experiencing abdominal pain, diarrhea or fever. Monitor blood sugar levels regularly and adjust medications as needed, with your doctor's support.
3.2. Kidney stones Kidney stones are a serious medical condition. Bitter gourd can be helpful in getting rid of kidney stones by breaking them down naturally. Bitter gourd reduces acid levels that help create painful kidney stones. Mix bitter gourd powder with water to make a healthy tea. This tea has a nutty flavor and surprisingly doesn't need to be sweetened.
3.3. Lower cholesterol Help reduce dangerous cholesterol levels with bitter melon. Lowering cholesterol significantly reduces the risk of heart attack, heart disease, and stroke. The added benefit is that this bitter melon is all natural in working with the body to prevent these health risks. High cholesterol can only be diagnosed with a blood test. Try bitter melon to reap the rewards of this surprising health benefit.

Ăn mướp đắng có tác dụng giảm cholesterol xấu trong máu
Ăn mướp đắng có tác dụng giảm cholesterol xấu trong máu
3.4. Pancreatic Cancer One of the most surprising health benefits of bitter melon is its anti-cancer properties. Bitter gourd has been shown to disrupt glucose production and potentially inhibit the growth of pancreatic cancer cells. Try these bitter melon juice recipes for more varieties and to reap the full health rewards of this exceptional food. Bitter gourd can also kill other cancer cells in the liver, colon, breast or prostate.
3.5. Skin benefits Bitter melon foods or beverages are very beneficial for the skin. Taken regularly, bitter melon is said to have a "skin-lightening" effect and is helpful in treating acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Experience the gentleness and naturalness of bitter melon. Try bitter gourd soup for relief from symptoms of any of these skin conditions or for better-looking skin. Another benefit is that bitter melon is a very effective blood purifier.
3.6. Weight loss Like most plants, bitter melon is extremely low in calories and can make you feel full for longer, making it an effective weight loss food. Prepare stuffed bitter melon to enjoy these benefits. The properties that aid in fighting type II diabetes also help with weight loss and health maintenance. Bitter gourd is also packed with nutrients, which is another reason why it is so beneficial in weight loss.
3.7. There are several benefits to taking liver supplements regularly. The tonic aids digestion, improves gallbladder function and reduces water retention. Cirrhosis, hepatitis, constipation can be relieved with liver tonic from bitter melon. Drink bitter melon juice at least once a day to enjoy the benefits they bring to the liver. Bitter gourd also helps with weight loss and may reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
3.8. Carbohydrate digestion This is a very important benefit for people with type 2 diabetes. Carbohydrates convert to sugar and bitter melon will help support sugar metabolism. Faster carbohydrate metabolism means less fat is stored in your body, leading to weight loss and healthy weight maintenance. Proper carbohydrate digestion also supports muscle growth and development. A bitter gourd stir-fry is just the ticket to so many other bitter gourd benefits.
3.9. Sources of Vitamin K Vitamin-K also contributes to bone health, blood clotting and is an anti-inflammatory. Arthritis sufferers can reduce pain and inflammation in their joints through a boost of Vitamin K. Stir-fried or stuffed bitter melon is a delicious way to add Vitamin K to one's diet. The addition of bitter melon will meet your body's daily nutritional needs for Vitamin K. In addition, bitter melon supplements are an excellent source of fiber.
3.10. Boosts Immunity A healthy immune system is important to fight off infections and potential illnesses. Add this delicious and easy-to-prepare sauteed bitter gourd to your menu for additional health benefits. Bitter gourd is very effective in preventing colds or intestinal infections. They also help prevent and limit food allergies and naturally eliminate yeast infections. An added benefit of bitter melon is a reduced risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease and indigestion.

Ăn mướp đắng cũng giúp cơ thể bạn tăng khả năng miễn dịch
Ăn mướp đắng cũng giúp cơ thể bạn tăng khả năng miễn dịch
Bitter gourd is an extremely healthy food for each of us. They are the leading source of vitamin C among foods. In addition, bitter melon also works to strengthen the immune system, prevent flu and support effective cardiovascular protection. However, bitter melon may contain alkaloids such as quinine and morodicine, resins, and saponin glycosides, which may cause intolerance in some people. Their bitterness and toxicity can be somewhat reduced by blanching or soaking in brine for up to 10 minutes. Symptoms of toxicity may include excessive salivation, flushing, blurred vision, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and muscle weakness.
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