Vitamin B12 deficiency: Causes, symptoms and treatment

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Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient with many functions in the body. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to physical and psychological problems. The body cannot produce vitamin B12 on its own, so we get vitamin B12 from animal food sources or supplements.

1. Recommendations for Vitamin B12

Recommended daily intake of vitamin B12 by age, measured in micrograms (mcg):
Infants to 6 months of age: 0.4 mcg Children 7-12 months of age: 0.5 mcg Children 1-3 years old: 0.9 mcg Children 4-8 years old: 1.2 mcg Children 9-13 years old: 1.8 mcg Adolescents 14-18 years old: 2.4 mcg Adults: 2.4 mcg (2.6 mcg daily if pregnant and 2.8 mcg daily if breastfeeding) You can get vitamin B12 in foods that come from animals, some in plants, or from foods. complementary medicinal products.
Vitamin B12 can be found in dairy products, eggs, fish, meat and poultry. If you're looking for a food supplement with B12, check the product's nutrition facts label.

2. Causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Most people get enough of this nutrient. If you are unsure about your condition, you can consult your doctor to perform a blood test to check the vitamin B12 level in your body.
The older you get, the more difficult it becomes to absorb vitamin B12. Poor absorption of vitamin B12 can also occur if you've had weight loss surgery or other surgery to remove part of your stomach, or you drink too much alcohol.
You are also at greater risk of developing a vitamin B12 deficiency if you have some of the following conditions:
Atrophic gastritis, in which the stomach lining has become thinner Anemia makes it difficult for your body to absorb vitamin B12 health problems affecting the small intestine, such as Crohn's disease, Celiac disease, bacterial or parasitic growths Immune system disorders, such as Graves disease or lupus proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) such as esomeprazole (Nexium), lansoprazole (Prevacid), omeprazole (Prilosec), pantoprazole(Protonix), rabeprazole(Aciphex), H2 Blockers such as cimetidine (Tagamet) and famotidine (Pepcid AC); and some diabetes medications such as metformin (GLucophage). You can also develop a vitamin B12 deficiency if you follow a vegan diet (meaning you don't eat any animal products including meat, milk, cheese and eggs) or you're a vegetarian. enough eggs or dairy products to meet the vitamin B12 needs your body needs. In either case, you can supplement your vitamin B12 intake by adding fortified foods to your diet or taking supplements.

Chế độ ăn chay có thể gây tình trạng thiếu vitamin B12
Chế độ ăn chay có thể gây tình trạng thiếu vitamin B12

For pregnant women following a vegetarian diet, you should talk to your doctor before having a baby, to have a ready plan on how your body can absorb enough vitamin B12 to help keep the baby healthy. .
Without getting enough vitamin B12, your child may have growth retardation or not develop in a normal way.

3. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency

If your body is deficient in vitamin B12, you may develop anemia. If it's mild, it probably won't cause symptoms. But if left untreated, this condition can lead to a number of health problems such as:
Weakness, dizziness and fatigue
One of the most common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency is weakness weakness and fatigue. If your vitamin supply decreases, your body makes fewer red blood cells needed for oxygen transport. This makes you feel drowsy, tired, exhausted, and even lightheaded.
These symptoms are often confused with symptoms of lack of sleep, stress or overwork. However, you should consult your doctor and have tests done to check vitamin B12 levels in your blood if the condition becomes increasingly severe.

Shortness of breath, heart palpitations
If your body lacks vitamin B12, you will feel short of breath with exertion. The reason is because vitamin B12 plays an important role in the production of hemoglobin, a protein that helps transport oxygen throughout the body. A deficiency in this vitamin can reduce the flow of oxygen to tissues, causing anemia, which in turn leads to shortness of breath and heart palpitations. See your doctor to get the necessary tests done, if you often feel unexplainable fatigue, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, burning tongue or other symptoms due to vitamin B12 deficiency.
Nerve damage and numbness in the limbs
Debilitation of nerve cells can occur when the body is deficient in vitamin B12, thereby leading to symptoms of numbness in the legs and arms. These lesions can become severe and turn into paresthesia if you ignore them. Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to degeneration of the spinal cord, optic nerve, brain tissue and peripheral nerves because vitamin B12 is needed for the formation of myelin, a white sheath that surrounds nerve fibers. speed up the conduction of nerve impulses.
The nerves in the spinal cord can disintegrate and cause you to lose your balance, without the protection of vitamin B12.

Người thiếu vitamin B12 có thể bị tổn thương thần kinh và tê bì chân tay
Người thiếu vitamin B12 có thể bị tổn thương thần kinh và tê bì chân tay
Pale skin
Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause the skin to turn pale or yellow in the whites of the eyes. Anemia occurs due to improper production of red blood cells, red blood cells grow larger, fragile and cannot divide. Therefore, with their large size, they cannot get out of the bone marrow and circulate in the blood. As a result, the amount of red blood cells circulating in the blood decreases, causing your skin to become paler.
When red blood cells are broken down, the liver produces Bilirubin - a reddish or brown colored substance. The greater the amount of bilirubin produced, the more red blood cells are broken down. This is what causes pale skin and yellow eyes.

Swelling and inflammation of the tongue
You are at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency if you are a vegetarian, have certain digestive system diseases or drink too much alcohol.
Glossitis is a manifestation of the mouth when you have a vitamin B12 deficiency, specifically when the tongue becomes soft, red, and painful or swollen. DNA synthesis becomes impaired when your body does not have enough of this B vitamin. These symptoms may become more severe over time.
You need to try to change your eating habits, if you notice you have any of these symptoms. Include in your diet foods such as meat, poultry, fish, clams, oysters, eggs or cereals rich in vitamin B12.
Constipation, diarrhea, flatulence and loss of appetite
Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of the causes of digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea, flatulence. This condition can become chronic if left untreated. The normal functioning of the digestive system is affected when vitamin B12 levels are low. You can use vitamin B12 supplements to help your digestive system work better and reduce the risk of constipation.
Most people with a vitamin B12 deficiency lack intrinsic factor – a protein secreted by the stomach that is needed for vitamin B12 absorption. The digestive system cannot absorb B12 without this protein. In that case, it can only be treated with injections of this essential vitamin.

Vision loss
Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to impaired vision and, more seriously, optic nerve disease. This is because vitamin B12 plays an important role in the function of nerves as well as the nervous system. Diagnose vision loss in people who are malnourished or do not consume any food of animal origin.
Some recent studies show that vision and retinal sensitivity in glaucoma patients will be improved if there is a combination of vitamin E, DHA and vitamin B12. Long-term B12 supplementation significantly reduces the risk of cataracts and vision loss.

Vitamin B12 có thể gây dấu hiệu giảm thị lực ở người bệnh
Vitamin B12 có thể gây dấu hiệu giảm thị lực ở người bệnh

Depression, memory loss, attitude changes
A deficiency in some important B vitamins, including vitamin B12, can put you at risk for depression or mood swings. This is because this deficiency has a dramatic effect on serotonin production in the brain. This is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate and balance mood. You need to consult a doctor if the amount of this B vitamin in your body is too low. Taking vitamin B12 supplements can significantly improve mood.
Bones become weak
Similar to calcium and vitamin D, vitamin B12 plays an important role in the formation of osteoblasts and bone-forming cells. Bone function can be affected by a vitamin B12 deficiency, which can even lead to osteoporosis.

4. Treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency

If you have pernicious anemia or have difficulty absorbing vitamin B12, usually the treatment is to need injections of this vitamin. You may need to continue taking vitamin B12 supplements, taking high-dose supplements by mouth or by injection.
If you do not consume foods of animal origin, you have several other options. You can change your diet to include fortified cereals with vitamin B12, take B12 supplements or injections, and take high doses of vitamin B12 if you have a deficiency.
Older adults with vitamin B12 deficiency may need a daily B12 supplement or a multivitamin containing B12.
Often the nerve damage caused by vitamin B12 is irreversible.

5. Prevention of vitamin B12 deficiency

Most people can get the vitamin B12 they need by eating enough meat, poultry, seafood, dairy products, and eggs.
If you do not eat animal products, or you have a health problem that makes it difficult to absorb nutrients, you can supplement with vitamin B12 found in multivitamins or supplements. other supplements and vitamin B12 food supplements.

Phòng ngứa thiếu vitamin B12 bằng cách bổ sung một số loại thực phẩm trong bữa ăn hằng ngày
Phòng ngứa thiếu vitamin B12 bằng cách bổ sung một số loại thực phẩm trong bữa ăn hằng ngày

If you decide to take vitamin B12 supplements, you should check with your doctor to make sure they won't affect any medications you're taking.
Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as customers wishing to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online HERE.
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