Vaginal discharge: When is it abnormal?

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The article was professionally consulted with Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Vaginal discharge, also known as vaginal discharge, plays a role in maintaining the pH balance of the "private area". In addition to providing moisture to a woman's vagina, vaginal discharge also works to clean dead cells clinging to the vaginal wall, preventing bacteria from penetrating and causing vaginal infections.

1. Understanding bad breath

Vaginal discharge also has other names such as vaginal discharge, white blood ... secreted from glands inside the vagina and cervix. Normally, women will have vaginal discharge when entering puberty and gradually decreasing at menopause. This is a natural process, the body's mechanism to keep the vagina healthy and clean.
Depending on the individual, each time the amount of discharge is different in each person. For example, in the period before shedding first, when sexual desire is increased, the amount of vaginal discharge will be more. During menopause, female hormone levels decrease, resulting in less vaginal discharge.
Besides changes related to the timing of vaginal discharge, abnormalities in the amount, odor and color of discharge can also be warning signs of gynecological health problems in women. So how to know when the discharge is normal, when is abnormal?

Vaginal discharge is more abundant at times of increased sexual desire
Vaginal discharge is more abundant at times of increased sexual desire

2. Vaginal discharge: When is it normal?

Normal vaginal discharge, also known as physiological vaginal discharge, is egg white or slightly yellow in color. Physiological vaginal discharge usually does not cause itching, no smell. Normally, physiological vaginal discharge will be more abundant, thinner and tougher at the time before the menstrual cycle, before ovulation and during sexual intercourse.

3. Vaginal discharge: When is it abnormal?

Abnormal vaginal discharge can be identified through the color of the fluid
Abnormal vaginal discharge can be identified through the color of the fluid

Abnormal vaginal discharge is a sign of pathological vaginal discharge, caused by bacteria and fungi entering the vagina, some common causative agents of vaginal infections include: Candida, Chlamydia, flagella, bacteria...
Abnormal vaginal discharge can be recognized through the following signs:
Color: Vaginal discharge may turn yellow, green, milky white or black brown. Properties: Discharge has an unpleasant odor, slightly fishy or sour. Vaginal area with signs of itching, swelling, pain, may be sticky, may also be watery. If the infection is severe, the discharge may be accompanied by pus and blood. Quantity: The number of bad breaths is high, there is a sudden increase. Especially before and after ovulation. Diagnosis of genital health status by color of gas is as follows:
Brown discharge: Brown discharge can be a sign of early pregnancy, menstrual disorders or a symptom of cervical cancer. uterus, endometrium.
Cloudy or yellow discharge : Turbid or yellow discharge indicates an infection caused by a sexually transmitted disease such as gonorrhea...
Yellow or green discharge : If the discharge is yellow or green, there is foam. , burning when urinating, can be a warning sign that your body is having a vaginal yeast infection.
Pink discharge: Pink discharge often appears after birth. This is a normal sign of discharge.
White, viscous discharge: Normally, physiological vaginal discharge is white. But if the vaginal discharge is thick with swelling, itching, and pain in the vulva, it could be a sign of a yeast infection.
White or Gray: Gray discharge with a fishy odor is a sign of a bacterial vaginosis, which may be accompanied by itching, heat, and swelling in the vaginal area.
When you notice abnormal vaginal discharge, you should go to a specialized medical facility to be examined by a doctor, determine the cause of the disease, and then treat it correctly and promptly, avoiding the condition of the disease. become heavier.

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