Vaginal discharge a lot - What are the signs of the disease?

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The article was written by Master - Doctor Nguyen Thu Hoai, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Times City International Hospital
Vaginal discharge is a phenomenon that women often encounter. This can be a normal physiological sign but can also be a warning sign of gynecological disease if it is abnormal. Therefore, women need to pay attention to the status of their vaginal discharge to actively protect their health.
1. What is bad breath? Vaginal discharge is also known as vaginal discharge, vaginal discharge, or physiological discharge of women after puberty. Normal vaginal discharge has the characteristics of little, thick, clear or lake-like, clear or white, odorless, and has the effect of cleaning, moisturizing the vagina and fighting infection.
Heavy discharge before ovulation or before menstruation
Heavy discharge at some point in the cycle such as before ovulation or before menstruation is a normal physiological response of the body. However, if the discharge is continuous and accompanied by other symptoms, it may be a sign of diseases such as: Vaginal yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, Vaginitis caused by flagella, and ectopic pregnancy. Cervical , Cervical cancer .
Yellow or green vaginal discharge due to vaginitis .

2. Common causes of excessive discharge a. Due to physiology, the increase in female hormone estrogen at the time of ovulation will cause women to experience a lot of vaginal discharge that causes wetness in the intimate area, making women feel uncomfortable.

b. Cause of Pathology Yeast Infection Yeast exists in very small quantities in the vagina. But for some reason they are too much, it means we have a yeast infection. The most typical symptom of a yeast infection is a thick, white, thick, lumpy discharge like pea or yogurt like plaque, causing itching, bad odor or not, often itching a lot, possibly inflammation. associated vulva (vulvar redness, vulvar itching)

Due to infection According to research, whether you have sex or not, you still have the possibility of bacterial vaginosis. However, bacterial vaginosis is more common in sexually active people than in non-sex people, and is especially common in women who have unprotected sex.
Trichomonas parasites cause a lot of discharge, yellow or green, gray, foamy, often with a strong odor. In addition, this parasitic infection also causes burning when urinating and bleeding between periods.
Vaginitis caused by bacterial vaginosis with yellow or green discharge, fishy odor, accompanied by burning symptoms.

Due to unsanitary living habits Unhygienic hygiene, improper douching, improper use of sanitary solutions, unsafe sex or intercourse during menstruation, do not change tampons regularly, ... making women susceptible to vaginal infections that cause a lot of vaginal discharge.
Especially the habit of using tampons. When a foreign object is detected in the vagina, the body will actively increase vaginal secretions (vagina) to moisturize the vagina. Therefore, if you do not change tampons regularly, it will cause excessive discharge.

Due to other diseases: Uterine fibroids, cervical cancer, cervical polyps, ...

Thói quen vệ sinh không đảm bảo khiến chị em dễ bị viêm nhiễm âm đạo gây ra khí hư nhiều.
Thói quen vệ sinh không đảm bảo khiến chị em dễ bị viêm nhiễm âm đạo gây ra khí hư nhiều.

3. Harmful discharge of a lot of vaginal discharge will cause wetness in the private area leading to inflammation, if this situation lasts for a long time, it will cause superinfection to neighboring organs such as blocked fallopian tubes. increased risk of infertility in women. A lot of discharge makes women uncomfortable, always having feelings of discomfort, anxiety, loss of confidence, affecting study and work.

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