26-year-old female with vaginal dryness, burning pain during sex should use food Sac Xuan Lady Beauty?

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Hello doctor! I am 26 years old this year, I don't know why at my age I have a slightly dry vagina and a bit of pain during sex. This has only happened recently. I went to the pharmacy to ask and they gave me Kingphar's Spring Lady Beauty products. I don't know if it's okay to use these at my age and if it has any side effects in the future. Doctor can you help me? Thank you very much doctor!
N.N (1994)
Hi, vaginal dryness can occur at any age, not just middle-aged women. Currently, vaginal dryness in young women is increasing, even those who are only 20 years old. There are many causes of this condition such as: Improper diet, vaginal infections, improper vaginal hygiene, stress, stress, and hormonal decline or disorder. You should adjust your daily diet: Eat a lot of green vegetables, fruits, practice sports regularly, keep your mind relaxed and happy,... Absolutely do not use these things on your own. products that affect the female hormone system or some drugs without the prescription of a specialist.
You can go to medical facilities specializing in Obstetrics - Gynecology for examination and treatment.
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