How to calculate the week of pregnancy after sex

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Hello doctor. I want to ask a few things that I hope you can answer for me. My period on January 5 and ended on May 9, I had sex with my husband after 2 weeks of going to the doctor to report pregnancy and on February 6, I went to the doctor and said I was pregnant. week. But I just had sex on the 14th, how can I be 4 weeks pregnant? Hope the doctor can help me soon. At that time, I had an ultrasound of the gestational sac: 0.77mm. Thank you very much.
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Thank you for submitting your question to Vinmec Health System.
If you have sex for 2 weeks, the embryo will be two weeks old, but the doctor's calculation of gestational age when the embryo has not yet appeared is based on the first day of your period, so your pregnancy is 4 weeks is correct. Should not be calculated according to the date of relationship because it is incorrect and easy to misunderstand between husband and wife. Wish you always happy and healthy.
Doctor Nguyen Quang Nam - Ultrasound Doctor - Obstetrics and Gynecology Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

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