Using loratadine to treat allergic rhinitis: Things to note

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Posted by Pharmacist Nguyen Le Trang - Faculty of Pharmacy, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital

Loratadine is a long-acting, long-acting peripheral selective histamine H1 receptor antagonist, belonging to the 2nd generation.

1. Indications for drug use

The drug only works to relieve symptoms, not to cure the cause of some diseases such as: allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, itching and histamine-related urticaria. The drug has no protective or supportive effect in cases of severe histamine release such as anaphylaxis.

2. Be careful when using drugs

Patients with severe hepatic impairment should be given a lower starting dose (eg 5mg or 10mg every 2 days). Loratadine should only be used in pregnant and lactating women if absolutely necessary, in low doses for a short period of time.

Phụ nữ mang thai chỉ dùng thuốc khi thực sự cần thiết và có sự đồng ý của bác sĩ chuyên khoa
Phụ nữ mang thai chỉ dùng thuốc khi thực sự cần thiết và có sự đồng ý của bác sĩ chuyên khoa

3. Dosage – how to use

Take orally. Available in the form of tablets, suspension, and oral syrup. Can be taken with or without meals.
Adults: 10 mg/time/day. In urticaria, if the dose of 10mg does not provide good control of symptoms, it can be increased to 10mg twice daily.
Children: Should use syrup form 2 - 12 years old (< 30 kg): 5 mg / time / day, (> 30 kg): The same dose as adults.

4. Unwanted effects and attention when using

Common : Fatigue, dizziness, headache, nausea, dry mouth.
Uncommon : Increased liver enzymes.
Rare: Hypersensitivity reactions, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting.

Sau khi sử dụng thuốc người bệnh có thể gặp tình trạng đau đầu
Sau khi sử dụng thuốc người bệnh có thể gặp tình trạng đau đầu

The drug does not pass through the blood-brain barrier, so it does not cause drowsiness like the 1st generation H1 antihistamines.
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