Uses of Zomacton 10mg

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Zomacton 10mg is a prescription drug that belongs to the group of hormonal drugs. With the main ingredient containing Somatropin, it is effective in treating growth retardation due to inadequate secretion of growth hormone in both adults and children. Products are researched and manufactured by the brand Wasserburger Arzneimittelwerk GmbH. The product is a medicine, so in order to avoid side effects as well as the best treatment effect, the patient needs to carefully study the information and follow the instructions from the doctor.

1. What is Zomacton 10mg?

Zomacton 10mg is another type of growth hormone. The product is indicated for the treatment of growth retardation in children due to growth hormone deficiency, or gonadal dysplasia (Turner syndrome).
General information about the drug
Dosage form: Dry powder for preparation of injections
Packing: Box contains 1 vial of dry powder and pre-filled syringe with solvent for drug preparation.
Main ingredients: Somatropin 10g hydrophosphate Excipients: sodium hydrophosphate dhydrateoeca dihydrate, mannitol, sodium hydrophosphate dhydrateoeca. Manufacturer: Wasserburger Arzneimittelwerk GmbH (Germany)
Other information: The label is attached.

2. Uses of drugs

Zomacton 10mg contains the main ingredient Somatropin - a growth hormone created from recombinant DNA technology, which plays an important role in the metabolism of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. As a result, Zomacton 10mg has the ability to produce pharmacological effects similar to endogenous hormones such as:
Bone system: Growth hormone acts on cartilage discs, helping to lengthen the bones, thus stimulating height growth. and balanced development of the skeleton, especially during puberty.
Other organs and tissues: Besides increasing in size, growth hormone also helps in weight gain, namely: growth of connective tissue, skin and epidermis layers, development of skeletal muscle, Enlarged liver, liver cell proliferation, large gonads,...
Nutritional metabolism of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates: Growth hormone helps to keep nitrogen and increase the transport of amino acids to tissues. As a result, protein synthesis is facilitated.
Mineral metabolism: Preserves minerals such as potassium, sodium, and phosphorus, while increasing renal excretion of calcium by increasing intestinal absorption.

3. Indications and contraindications

3.1 Indications Zomacton 10mg, announced by the manufacturer, is indicated for the treatment of one of the following cases:
Long-term treatment of children with growth retardation due to inadequate pituitary production or secretion. enough growth hormone. Long-term treatment of people with growth retardation due to Turner syndrome. Patients need to use the drug according to the direction and control of the doctor specialized in the treatment of growth hormone deficiency.
3.2 Contraindications On the other hand, Zomacton 10mg is also not recommended for use in cases including:
Patients with bone heads in a closed state. Patients who are sensitive to Somatropin or one of the other excipients in the drug. Premature babies or infants. Patients with serious and acute diseases that have just undergone surgery such as heart valve regurgitation, osteomyelitis, cancer, etc. People with proliferative or pre-proliferative diabetes. People with Prader-Willi syndrome accompanied by obesity, overweight or severe respiratory failure...

4. Usage and dosage

4.1 How to use Zomacton 10mg drug has the initial preparation form of dry powder and 1 ampoule of solution for injection. Therefore, the drug is administered by injection directly under the skin.
Pharmacology of the drug is very strong and when injecting the drug requires the operator to have professional knowledge of growth drugs. Therefore, it is required that the injection must be performed and supervised by an experienced physician.
The correct way to mix the drug: Dissolve 10mg of Zomacton with 1ml of drug diluent. Mix only with the supplied pre-filled solution.
4.2 Dosage Like other prescription drugs, each person's dose is different, based on age and purpose of treatment, the doctor will recommend an appropriate treatment regimen. In addition, patients should also refer to the recommended dosage below:
People with growth hormone deficiency: 0.17 - 0.23 mg/kg body weight/week (equivalent to about 4.9-6.9 mg/m2), equally divided into 6-7 injections (corresponding to 0.02-0.03 mg/kg body weight/day or 0.7-1.0 mg/m2). The maximum total weekly dose should not exceed 0.27 mg/kg body weight (equivalent to approximately 8 mg/m2) (calculating a daily dose of approximately 0.04 mg/kg). Turner syndrome: the recommended dose is: 0.33 mg/kg body weight/week (equivalent to approximately 9.86 mg/m2), divided equally into 6-7 injections (corresponding to an average daily dose of about 0.05 mg/kg). /day or 1.40-1.63 mg/m2). Duration of treatment depends on drug response, usually several years. Frequent subcutaneous hormone injections can cause fat tissue at the injection site to be lost or increased. Therefore, to avoid this situation, the patient needs to frequently change the injection site.

5. Side effects

Below is a summary of some unwanted side effects that may occur, when using Zomacton to treat diseases that are:
Very common: edema, joint pain, mild hypertension, muscle pain, headache Common : hypothyroidism, allergy to the injection site, swelling, weakness, impaired glucose tolerance, joint pain, numbness of the extremities, muscle pain. Uncommon: anemia, tachycardia, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, somnolence. Rare: diarrhea, hypertension, neuropathic pain, type 2 diabetes.

6. Drug interactions

Simultaneous use of Zomacton 10mg with some of the drugs below may cause reactions such as:
Glucocorticoid: Concurrent use will cause Zomacton to inhibit its growth-stimulating effect. High doses of androgens, oestrogens, or anabolic steroids: Promote bone maturation and lead to reduced maximal height growth... To avoid drug interactions, patients should avoid mixing Zomacton with other drugs or taking it concurrently. multiple drugs at once. It is necessary to listen to the advice of the treating physician.

7. Notes on medication use

Injecting Zomacton under the skin for a long time, in addition to causing fat tissue to be reduced, can also cause bruising or haemorrhage at the injection site. Therefore, users need to be careful with a few things as follows:
Use the drug according to the prescription in terms of dosage, time and way of use. People with diabetes or a family history of diabetes. Children with growth hormone deficiency due to Prader-Willi syndrome and associated severe obesity, history of respiratory failure or respiratory infection have not been identified. Regularly monitor for signs of scoliosis in children during treatment. Watch closely in case of glucose intolerance because somatropin can make the body insulin resistant. Absolutely do not take the drug while pregnant or having a kidney transplant. Check thyroid function thoroughly after initiation of therapy and after dose adjustment. The drug can affect the bones of the spine The drug does not affect the nerves, so when you are driving or doing intense activities, you can still take the drug as usual. Use with caution when using with lactating women, only when prescribed by a qualified doctor.

8. Treatment of overdose and missed dose

Zomacton injections are only administered and supervised by a medical doctor, so the possibility of overdose and missed dose is very rare. However, if this is the case, the patient needs to calm down and handle it according to the following instructions:
Overdose: If a single overdose is used, the patient's body may face symptoms of hypotension. initially, followed by a sudden increase in blood pressure. If this is the case, call your doctor immediately for the best medical treatment instructions.
Missed dose: Notify medical professional for compensating injection.
Zomacton 10mg is a prescription drug that belongs to the group of hormonal drugs. With the main ingredient containing Somatropin, it is effective in treating growth retardation due to inadequate secretion of growth hormone in both adults and children. Products are researched and manufactured by the brand Wasserburger Arzneimittelwerk GmbH. The product is a medicine, so in order to avoid side effects as well as the best treatment effect, the patient needs to carefully study the information and follow the instructions from the doctor.
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